summer 2011 survey results
LPARC Survey Results Summer 2011
2. Other Clubs
· Santa Cruz Amateur Radio Club Naval Postgraduate School ARC ECTAR
· Several
3. Membership benefits
· Supporting the cause from afar
· Would like to learn more Ham (technical and emergency) but live to far for social and activities
5. Participation
· Needs to be more training - most folks do not know how to run the radios at the school or to setup for packet. The club used to have 2-3 exercises per year to ensure folks understood what a resource net vs a tactical net and we interacted with other organizations more.
· not certain about this one
· Field day - or at least arrange toe join another club's event Mentoring for new hams
· yes but live to far to participate in activities
· I would like to see training specific to ARES responses, even if it's a separate meeting.
6. Improvements
· Increase Hams, and members.
· Ironically, membership
· Training and broadening the monthly meetings to include speakers, how to better interact with both santa cruz and santa clara county and CERT. Need to have MOAs with fire and other potentail served agencies.
· education and discipline
· The program quality and good, clear presentation so as to elicit the interest of members...also, try to entice young people into the wonder of amateur radio.
· back to basics: emergency preparation, training
· You are doing it now - try to aim the club to direction of the wishes of the membership
· seems like great club and great members sorry I can't get there enough
· Increasing membership.
· I don't think it's so much a need to improve as people being so busy. Would love to see more cross training between the different responder groups. Now you know who I am :)
· having fun!
· Membership participation