2020-Oct-01 minutes

PlaceMeeting held via Webex telephone conference.

Meeting begins 1905 hours.

Last month's minutes approved.

NET Asssignments: KC6TYG

Oct. 6. Bert

13. Mike

20. Pam

27. Dan

Nov. 3. Penny

Treas Rpt: our last reported balance was $2386.31 in March.

Equipment Rpt: All three repeaters are working well.

It will cost approx $1250. to link TYG to AE6KE.

Vote to go ahead with the purchases/work necessary to link was passed.

Vote to move ahead now and finance from our treasury was passed.

Bert requests member assistance and he and Penny will put together a plan.

President Rpt:

1). Bert worked up a detailed proposal for linking equipment and its costs.

Vince offered additional suggestions.

Penny has written the first draft of the LPCF grant request for funds for this project.

Penny and Bert to edit the request and submit it ASAP. Will consult N2RDT for advice.

2). Re selling our donated equipment: Thank you Dan for writing up the "donations inventory"

PDF. I will email it to general so members may see if they wish to purchase anything.

I left a note for the radio guy I met at Gray Bears who rebuilds/resells radio equipment.

I'm awaiting his response. Will try again soon.

Thank you Dan and Bert for the updated Santa Cruz frequency list. And Cap's input email about programming details.

Upcoming activities:

See scc-ares-races.org website for details. Main event is the Oct 10 quarterly exercise at

Hellyer Park in San Jose.

See ares.santa-cruz.ca.us website for details of activities in Santa Cruz.

CERT: See santacruzcountycert.org website for downloadable replays of recent training

Zoom programs. Go to CERTONLINE.ORG to Utah university for a 12 hour preliminary

Course and then contact Mary Edmund, local CERT executive director, to enroll in

CERT 16 hour hands on training course to become an active CERT member.

EC had no report tonight.

New Business: Go fund me was organized by Matthew Kaufman to raise $50K to

Rebuild Empire Grade Tower Site. It has raised $31,358 already. Thanks to those of us who have donated. The rest of us should consider contributing.. This was Santa Cruz County's

main antenna tower. See Pam's Email to the club for details.

Old Business: Dave K helped Dan with the website duties Dan has assumed for our club.

Thank you both for that work.

Meeting concluded 2000 hours.
