2015-Mar-05 minutes

03/05/2015 LPARC Minutes


Austin Lesea, AB6VS, President

Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President

Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary

Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.

Jennifer Katinsky, N2RDU, Board

Eddie Maru, W6OPQ, Member

Austin called the meeting to order at 7:20pm?

Note: We had to move to the Loma/CTE Sherriff’s office because Burrell Fire was locked while the firefighters were out on a call. We left a note on the door at Burrell Fire.


Robert Ritchey our Santa Cruz County DEC, KJ6FFP Jonathon Farnsworth, KK6RRP

Approval of the February 5, 2015 minutes

Gary motions, Jennifer seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report N/A

Dues are due: $25 individuals, $30 for families.

If you missed this meeting you can mail the dues, payable to LPARC, to: LPARC

P.O. Box 385

Redwood Estates, CA 95044


3/10 - Bert

3/17 - Austin

3/24 – Kathi, both nets

3/31 – we need someone, David?


AE6KE - 2m grudge noise is gone!

AB6VS - 440cm controller went out and does not detect pl. David did some troubleshooting. Austin will take the controller to his house to further test.

Note to net controllers:

Use AE6KE. Announce on AB6VS that you are not broadcasting there and that you will be on the other, since they cannot be linked at the moment.


This is still in the works:

Bill is working with Alex and Kathi to program the FT-8500 that resides at LPFR. LPFR will need to purchase the software (approx $25) so he can load the local frequencies on that radio).

Austin has approval from LPFR (is this correct?) to secure an antenna that will work on both 2m and 44cm repeaters.

Does he also need a cable? He will check with Alex.

ARES EC Report

Gary introduces Robert Ritchey, our new DEC.

∙ Trying to schedule a meeting with all the ECs in the County to review and update the frequency list.

Gary attended a training presentation

    • ∙ Jerry Inman presentation on training we should all have.

    • ∙ He also encourages us to take advantage of the Santa Clara County classes.

    • ∙ Gary has a .pdf of the presentation, will send out to general@lparc.org

      • President’s Report

      • New Business

      • Training

    • ∙ Bert talked about antennas, hold your HT antenna vertical to get the best possible signal.

    • ∙ Also discussed the possible 200 mile range of the NVIS antenna in the HF.

    • ∙ Bert and Gary will work together on packet training for April.

    • ∙ Also, what is the combo to the Sherriff’s office, which contains the ham radio office, since none of us had the correct combo!

      • o This was corrected tonight within the hour and the officers now have the correct code. Thanks, Austin/George!

      • Old Business

      • LP Science Fair – March 28th

      • Jennifer says she can support. Please come and visit, join, help!

      • Bert motions meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm, Jennifer seconds, adjourned.