2020-Mar-04 minutes









Meeting started at 7:02 PM

Motion to approve last months meeting approved

Net assignments:

3/10 Bert

3/17 Penny

3/24 Dan

3/31 Pam

Treasury report:

Current Balance: $2386.31

Registered members: 19, including family

Equipment Report:

AE6KE working fine. Not sure the status of the box that will be installed.

We will see if Mike can install it this month.

Proposed date 3/21; We will contact Mike to verify this date.

Bert reviewed a block diagram of the repeater system he is assembling

for the AB6VU repeater. He reviewed his progress to date. The

programming of the controller still is pending.


Bert reviewed:

The command repeater for Santa Clara county has temporarily been moved to K6SNY 443.275 MHz PL107.2, pos offset

Bert reviewed the Santa Clara credentialing program in a powerpoint presentation.

Bert also review the Santa Cruz County ARES Training Requirements.

Bert Reviewed Santa Cruz County ARES Activation.

Three repeater frequencies will be published. In an emergnecy, radio operators are to check these frequencies

for a resource control net.

Bert reviewed the Santa Cruz ICS 214 form.

Swap Meet Saturday March 14th 5:00 AM.

Bert, Penny and Dan will be going

We reviewed the last LPARC Quarterly Drill:

5/23/20 is the next Santa Clara County Drill

Pam noted that the Los Gatos / Monte Sereno group has invited us to participate

in their weekly nets.

Motion to adjourn 8:47 PM