2014-Apr-03 minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:10. Present were
George Smith, AE6KE, President;
Austin Lesea, AB6VU, Vice President;
Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer;
Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.;
David Katinsky, N2RDT, Board;
Leon Milburn, KD6FAQ;
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA
Bill reported $1100.58 in treasury, a bill for $113.21 was submitted for new AE6KE repeater antenna.
Gary brought TNC that he received from Cap, and gave it to Austin who hopes to demonstate RMS Express at next meeting.
George and Gary discussed the MERC drill on 4/26. We will need at least 3 operators for the drill.
New business, Kathi would like to have an ARES/CERT net to train CERTs on radio use and provide ARES members training and a chance to Elmer the CERTs with radio programming and proper communication skills. Something to fill the void of the Saturday morning beginner's net on W6WLS
April Net Schedule-
4/8 - Kathi, KI6POY
4/15 - David, N2RDT
4/22 - George, AE6KE
4/29 - Austin, AB6VU
Gary, K6PDL