2011-Oct-03 minutes

David, Jennifer, Bill, Ann, Leon, Charlie, Kathi, Bob. October 3, 2011 Burrell CAL FIRE Station Open at 19:12

Meeting minutes from the September meeting were read and accepted as read.

Deferred Treasurer's Report as Bill

Bill provided the Treasurer's Report: Closed out account with a balance of $1753.75 Closed out account with Verizon for phone.

Balances as of October Meeting: $1758.75 balance as of last treasurer's report $1758.75 balance as of today

Club Dues - $25.00 individual $30.00 family

Equipment Status

AB6VS - is doing fine - if anyone hears performance degradation please report. AE6KE - continued water in line inline - still need to deal with sealing the coax

to avoid water intrusion.

Net control operators for October 2011 - Thank you to those who have volunteered!

10/4 10/11 Kathi 10/18 Bill

10/25 Jennifer w/county net 11/1

ARES REPORT No ARES coordination reported at this time.

New business:

New ideas for people to be apart of the club - Boy Scouts? Scout Leaders Ricardo David, Bill Taylor are interested. Jennifer to follow up with Sherry, Ricardo and Bill. CERT? Kathi sent message for this evening, she reported CERT members have marked to attend the November meeting.

No nominations because of no nominating committee formed, therefore, we have no slated nominees. Due to this, the club is in danger of folding as of January 1, 2012.

Jennifer reported a condolence card was sent to Trudy's family by the Club.

Reminder: ARRL's PACIFICON is in Santa Clara this year - weekend of 15th October.

Discussion of Santa Cruz County Fire follow up.


David presented CERT Radio Frequencies XCZ with the definition of Services and Licensing Requirements - Amateur, MURS, FRS, GMRS, CB. David to follow up with KE6AFE about accuracy of information in XCZ Radio Frequencies.

Old business:

Work with CERT and MERT as an adjunct group? We need to consider evaluating what a successful membership drive would look like, Reach out with other groups for interacting both socially and training. More training of core competency this group is looking to have training with ARES.

Any existing coordination between CERT, MERT and LPARC? Informally, David, Bill and George. Looking to establish training with CERT and LPARC - Email to Kathi to get involvement from CERT. Communication - Activated through EOC - MERT is able to self activate or activated by Red Cross CERT is activated by the Fire Departments.

CERT - Questions? Joint Meeting? Learn more about the relationship with Volunteer Fire Department and LPARC (expectations during emergency)

Discussion to make HAM radio more interesting to others and gain more members. Perhaps to pull a list of all HAMs in the 95033 95030 95073.

A question was asked about what happens if the repeater site is sold. If the repeater site is sold, All club equipment at the site would need to be gathered.

Need Volunteers:

Officers for 2012 - Looking for volunteers. Board Member - Role besides four officers - unfilled positions are no appointed by the board. Looking for a liaison to the Santa Cruz County and Santa Clara County Emergency Coordinator. Looking for an ARES Coordinator.

Next Meeting November 7, 2011. Motion to adjourn by Kathi and Bill.

Meeting closed at 20:02.

2011 LPARC Officers David Katinsky - President ***vacant***- Vice President Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary Bill Rose - Treasurer