2013-Feb-07 minutes
LPARC Minutes February 7, 2013 Present: George Smith, President; Austin L. Vice President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary, David Katinsky, Leon Milburn
George Smith called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Approval of the January 3, 2013 minutes
Austin moves we approve, Kathi seconds, approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose
N/A Bill Rose maintains the membership roster.
2/12 - Austin 2/19 - George 2/26 - Kathi 3/5 - David
AE6KE and AB6VS are working. KC6TYG is broken. Temporary antenna is working but we need to buy a new feedline and stainless steel clamps. David motions we allocate $150 for Austin to purchase and repair. Kathi seconds, approved. Some interference from a station in Napa, possibly using the same PL that we are using. Bert is going to take a look at the KC6TYG repeater.
President’s Report – George Smith
Old Business ARES DSW David brought an email saying Santa Clara County ARES is meeting on February 13th indicating the Santa Clara County ARES DSW procedure: 1. Scott Morse says that each of our ARES members should go on the Santa Clara County ARES website, and update their information in the database: http://www.scc-ares-races.org/arrl-info.html 2. David can pick up the stickers and bring them to the ARES members up here. George will send a list of the club members who are ARES members so David can create an ARES@LPARC.org email list.
Club Liability Insurance discussion
Some further discussion about whether we have enough need for the insurance. David moves we purchase the $200 insurance, Kathi seconds. 3 out of 5 members vote yes. 2 abstain. George will sign the club up for the insurance.
ARES co-training with CERT
Cap Pennell expressed enthusiastic support, via email, for ARES and CERTs to co-train together.
Summit CERT
Summit CERT has scheduled a Basic CERT class this spring. Would ARES members like to help Bert run a radio skills unit? Austin volunteers yes. Thursday March 21st, about 1 hour. 9-10pm? We will need FRS radios.
Saturday March 30th - final exercise, 11am - 3pm, perhaps a radio operator can shadow each CERT “team” We will need several ARES operators for this. Perhaps we should activate ARES DSW for this training?
Or will the ARES members be Subject Matter Expert, trainers for the evening?
Next time bring HTs so we can try to use one another’s. David motions to adjourn, Austin seconds, adjourned at 7:52 pm