2018-Mar-01 minutes

Call to order at 19:06








Tim (N6TH, visitor)

Minutes from the previous meeting are approved


March 6th, county net

Penny March 6th

Bert on March 13th

Dan March 20th

Bill on March 27th

Penny on April 3

Treasurer’s report:

Balance 1053.22$

Deposits 595$

Out going 381.51$

Number of dues paid to date: 16

Equipment report:

All repeaters are working properly

The link between the UHF and VHF repeaters is working well too

Audio from AB6VU has a tendency to be low. It may be necessary to speak louder, or move the mic closer, for this repeater.

New transceivers are still on the to-do list

President’s report:

Propose making a phone tree for the club

Penny does not have all the club member’s phone numbers. Suggest you send your number to Penny. Bill to supply some of the missing numbers as well.

EOC exercise in Jan.

Penny has the recommended forms for Santa Clara county ARES messaging and tables of local emergency frequencies. At least one of these forms can be found at http://www.scc-ares-races.org/freqs/packet-freqs.html

Suggested that we might want to attend the De-Anaza College swap meet, Sat March 10th. Then second Saturday of the month from March to October. Gates open at 5AM and swap meet runs until noon.

There are some boxes of electronic miscellany at the repeater shack. It is suggested that we grab the boxes and sell the contents to enlarge the club treasury.

Material like folding tables, chairs, test equipment and computers also might be found at the swap meet.

Please consider what you might have to contribute to the swap meet to help raise money for the club.

Penny to research purchasing a space for club sales

Thoughts about fox hunt in April May time frame.

Training and Education:

Bert presents, Briefing on Incident Command System Slide Deck

There are classes on line, see ICS 100 ICS 220 ICS 700, e.g. https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.b

Vince presents on 160m loop antenna

Meeting adjourned, 20:30.

Vince Duperron, Secretary