2008-Aug-04 minutes
August 4, 2008 minutes
LPARC Minutes 2008-08-04
--- Vice-President Vic AE6ID called the meeting to order in the Burrell Fire
--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, Vic AE6ID, George AE6KE, Alex K8ARK, Louie
KI6OSL, Kay KI6POL, Kathi KI6POY and Marc W6ZZZ
--- Guests: none
Minutes From Last Month
--- Minutes from the July meeting were approved
--- Minutes for past months are available in MS Word format at
Treasurer’s Report
--- Dues income of $25, expense of $28.09 for telephone, balance of $1109.98
at end-of-month (July)
LPARC Business
--- Skyland Run on July 12 was good training for folks, the pairing of new
operators with experienced operators worked well
--- For National Night Out (NNO) on August 5th Marc W6ZZZ will bring a table
and ARRL handouts, Charlie AB6VS will bring an HF radio
--- The next meeting of LPARC is Monday, September 8th (note this is the
SECOND Monday of the month)
--- The next meeting will be a BBQ at Charlie’s AB6VS place, more details to
ARES Business
--- There was an EC Council Meeting for the Santa Clara County on Saturday,
August 2nd
--- There is training most every first Saturday of the month in Santa Clara,
see our link for more information
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- All okay reported by Charlie, AB6VS
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- 8/05 George AE6KE/Kay KI6POL --- 8/19 Vic AE6ID
--- 8/12 Charlie AB6VS --- 8/26 David
--- 9/02 Marc W6ZZZ
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
- Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary
- Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club ( http://www.lparc.org/ )
- Serving the Los Gatos Mountains community with emphasis on emergency
preparedness and response