2012-Jun-04 minutes

David, Jennifer, Bob, Bill, Gabriel KJ6AZU, Gary K6PDL

June 4, 2012

Burrell CAL FIRE Station

Open at 19:06

Meeting minutes from the March meeting were read and accepted as read. Thank you George for the minutes.

Treasurer's Report by Bill from March Meeting minutes.

New Account opened at USBANK.

(No fees as long as we stay below 150 transactions per month.)

Account balance of $1927.84

Club Dues are now due! Please present your membership fees along with roster information to Bill Rose as soon as possible.

Membership dues collected on February 6, 2012 = $30.00 via check.

Club Dues - $25.00 individual

$30.00 family

Please mail checks (made payable to LPARC) to:


P.O. Box 385

Redwood Estates, CA 95044

Equipment Status

Discussion on AB6VS issues - currently out of service.

Board has decided to purchase a replacement radio for AB6VS.

Austin is working to get the new system in place.

AE6KE - owned by Santa Cruz County - new property owner will allow the repeater to stay in place. George supplied a protocol.

Net control operators for June 2012 - Thank you to those who have volunteered!



6/19 Bill

6/26 Jennifer w/County Net


Still need an EC for group..... Anyone????

Some issues were seen by the Cal Fire folks at Burrell during the Strawberry Fields

Old Business:

Club training was held at LPCC to show and train on equipment in case of emergency.

The goal is to make sure the ability to activate the radios at the community center is available in the case of emergency.

FIELD DAY - Last weekend in June. LPARC does not host a Field Day, but please look to

WVARA - West Valley or (AOK) K6BJ will be working with group on Empire Grade.

New business:

Skyland Run has requested the club for communications/radio help again this year. The date is Saturday July 14, 2012. David has put together the Communications Plan for the Skyland Run.

Mountain Resident Night out - Tuesday August 7, 2012 at the Loma Prieta Gazebo.

Discussion of Monthly Focus Topics-Packet Radio Discussion on what

FLDIGI - suite of packet for Santa Cruz County - Being headed up by Cap.

Open source program provided by author - Gary K6PDL


No Training for this evening.

Weekly Topics for the Net are being done by Austin.

Discussion of topics for training at future meetings.

Need Volunteers:

Looking for a liaison to the Santa Cruz County and

Santa Clara County Emergency Coordinator.

Looking for an ARES Coordinator.

Next Meeting July 2, 2012.

Motion to adjourn by Bob

Meeting closed at 19:44.

2012 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

George Smith - Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer