2020-Apr-02 minutes

Due to the quarantine, we held our meeting on the radio, on KC6TYG, as a directed Net. It went very well. Thanks to all of you who checked in and tried out the new format.

Net began 1900 hrs.

Members checking in: Bert, Pam, Dave, Kathy, Penny (net control).

Last month's minutes were approved.


April 7. Bert

14. Penny. (Includes Net Control for Santa Clara county SVECS NET)

21. Pam

28. Mike

May 5. Dan

No Treas Report

Equipment Rpt: per Bert, AE6KE and TYG are both working well. New controller for AB6VU has been programmed and bugs are being worked out.

Pres Rpt: the Santa Clara Co command net is currently using a different frequency . It is K6SNY 443.275 (+) PL 107.2

Sat Apr 4, Santa Clara ARES sponsored a repeater sprint contest and practice followed by a message passing training net.

Periodically, Dave does a packet check in for LPARC on the SVECS NET.

I will monitor when the next Silicon Valley Swap meet will be so our club can hold its fundraising sale.

We are taking votes on favorite logo for club tee shirt s. Pam has sent out designs in PDF's for our feedback.

Upcoming Events: field day June 19-21 on Loma Prieta. Details to follow.

Net completed 1922 hrs.
