2017-08-03 minutes
Meeting called to order at 1859 hours.
NETS Assignments:
8-8. Bert
8-15 Dan
8-22 Penny
8-29 John
9-5. Dan
Treas Report. $574.79 club balance.
Last month's minutes approved.
Equipment report-everything is working. Last week, John and Burt went up on Soda Springs to the KC6TYG repeater and put it on AC current as well as DC so that the repeater will power up each night after its automatic reset.
Mountain Resisents Night Out-Our booth will not have food for sale due to restrictive health laws. So attracting new members will be our purpose in having a booth. We will publicize that Burt will have a licensing class beginning in Sept. We will do the Tues night NET at the booth. Dave ordered brochures and holders and business cards. We could take our EOC equipment from the school for a display. John was put in charge of our booth. R E Pavillion will not be providing tables.
Three upcoming events were discussed:
ARES/RACES Aug 19 Armchair Exercise, a S Clara Co exercise.
1400-1600 hours. It will be that a hypothetical EVENT has occurred and emergency deployment must be organized.
We will use the resource net to:
1. Self activate and call in with Mike/Mike reports
2. Local EOC's activate and report into county EOC
3. Then central EOC activates various local EOC's and orders deployments.
Contact Mark Laubach 650-996-2219 or 408-867-4806 voicemail.
S Clara Co exercise to send emergency communications Sept 14&15.
Sept 14(0800-1200hrs) Central EOC communicates with its primary facilities such as police, fire, PG&E, etc. We would activate our EOC and send messages.
Sept 15(0900-1500 hrs) Central EOC communicates with its backup facilities such as LP EOC. We would send/receive messages then shut down.
A remote location drill at Ed Levin Park in Milpitas Oct 14. Everyone would set up like it was a field day and communicate on low power only. Purposes are: a field exercise to operate on deployment with what we brought with us only; and S Clara ARES public relations in the park that day.
Contact Logan Zintsmaster 408-838-3712
New Business: we will need to have someone run the S Clara Co NET when it is our turn on the 11 week rotation schedule.
Old Business: none
Mtg adjourned 2012 hrs.