2016-Sep-01 minutes
Sept 01, 2016 LPARC Minutes
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
John Yontz, KA6HCG, member
David K, N2RDT, member
Ron Morin, KK6YZU, Secretary
Penny Allen, Visitor
Bert called the meeting to order at 7:01PM.
Penny Allen introduced herself to the club. Penny is interested in becoming a HAM primarily for emergency situations. She has been considering this for about one year now and decided to attend our meeting to learn more. She has been a mountain resident living near Hwy 17 for 30 years.
Treasurer’s Report
No report for this meeting.
06 Sept16 Bert
13 Sept16 David
20 Sept16 Austin*
27 Sept16 George*
04 Oct16 Open
Since Austin and George did not attend the meeting – if they have a problem doing the net on the assigned days, could they please call Bert as a back-up.
• Bert reported that the KC6TYG, AE6KA and AB6VS repeaters are working great.
• Bert mentioned that he and John are still looking for an inexpensive cabinet to keep the hardware. Bert will call the County to see if they have a cabinet that will meet our needs. Bert will also contact CAP for the availability of a cabinet.
• ARES EC Report
Gary informed us that on Sept. 17th, the Santa Cruz Amateur Radio Club will be putting on an event at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History from 11:00am to 5:00pm. The address is 705 Front Street.
Gary mentioned there is a request for volunteers for the Santa Cruz Triathlon to provide radio support. The event is Sunday, Sept. 25th from approximately 6:30am to 12pm. Assignments are from Santa Cruz main beach to Davenport. This is a big event and can use as many hams as possible. If interested reply to chris.angelos@plantronics.com or n6rjx@arrl.net to volunteer.
He also told us about on Oct. 14-16, the ARRL Pacific Division and the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club present Pacificon 2016. This will be at the San Ramon Marriott Hotel at 2600 Bishop Drive. Go to w6sg.net/site/pacificon-2016 for the schedule and details. He highly recommends attending some or all of this 3 day event.
On Oct. 29th the Santa Clara Emergency Preparation Drill is scheduled to be held, more information in the future.
President’s Report
• N/A
• Bert gave training and hands on use of a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) meter. Very informative and fun was had by all.
New Business
• N/A
Old Business
• N/A
The meeting was adjourned at 08:22 PM.