2018-11-01 minutes
Dues due on the first of the year
Meeting called to order, 18:58
Meeting minutes from last month are approved
Net assignments
Nov 6 Burt
Nov 13 Dan
Nov 20 Penny
Nov 27 Penny
Dec 4 Pam
Treasures report
Account balance is $1438.33 (includes 40$ rebate from recent radio purchases)
Ideas for how to spend it?
Equipment report
TYG AE6KE repeaters are working fine
AB6VU repeater receives AE6KE linked voice but AE6KE does not receive AB6VU
Presidents report
Burt, Dan and Penny did a simulated emergency test at Moffet field recently. Four stations of voice and packet to aid in a simulated search and rescue. Paperwork was relaxed, for this simulation.
Upcoming events:
Nov 3, 9AM Sunny vale class packet operations type 2
Nov 14, 6PM Mountain View fundamentals of emergency comms
Nov 15, Statewide medical exercise, Communicable disease scenario and clinic involvement (Santa Cruz 8AM?)
Nov 17, Message passing class in Sunnyvale Police HQ (good to
Nov 25, Los Altos festival of lights parade (looking for comms volunteers, net control and roving)
Dec 1, ARRL Administrative meeting in Pleasanton.
Dec 1, Los Gatos Christmas parade (looking for comms volunteers)
Dec 8, 9AM, end of year summary class at San Jose Sheriff’s office (another chance to get sworn in for a DSW card)* Only 80 seats, signups are getting full quickly (Santa Clara ARES website is the place to sign up)
*Note: there is an issue with existing DSW cards due to an administrative issue. Cards issued on the 8th of Dec will be on the county level.
Training and Education
See, shadow event in President’s report
Sage advice, get familiar with your equipment. Learn how to use it before you need it.
New Business
Nominations for officers for the club are as follows;
President: Penny
Vice President:
Treasurer: Bill
Secretary: Vince
Board member at large: David
EC: Burt (ARRL appointed position)
Additional nominations are welcome and encouraged. Note that the VP spot remains vacant.
Old Business and discussion
Satellite lecture. At least three contacts were made via satellite during the event. Antennas used were 2m and 70cm. Alt-azimuth mounts were used to steer the antennas.
Cube sats were discussed. One cube sat for ham radio use, the other is a physics experiment.
WIN System:
Every Friday night the WIN System has a net on 442.900 MHz
Swap meet starts at 8:30PM
Seven nights a week the WIN System has a Star Chat
Dan brought a portable radio station in a box. Everything but the antenna and the solar panel.
Meeting adjourned: 19:53