2014-May-01 minutes
05-01-2014 LPARC Minutes
LPARC Minutes
George Smith, AE6KE, President;
Austin Lesea, AB6VU, Vice President;
Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary
Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.;
David Katinsky, N2RDT, Board;
Jennifer Katinsky, N2RDU
George called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
Approval of the April 3, 2014 minutes
David motions, Austin seconds, approved.
Treasurer’s Report - N/A
05/06 - George
05/13 - David
05/20 - Austin (let’s say something about the LPFR BBQ)
05/27 - Kathi (let’s say something about the LPFR BBQ)
06/03 - Jennifer
KC6TYG is still awaiting transport down from Soda Springs.
AB6VS repeater seems to be working fine.
AE6KE is ok, but a little iffy - the new antenna for AE6KE is in Gary’s car.
Discussion about buying a used, refurbished windows computer for the LPCC radio office. Austin recommends Amazon “used refurbished windows 7 laptops”
Austin brought show and tell:
TNC, Dell computer, radio and handheld speaker to demonstrate the use of RMS express (an email system) that can log winlink messages.
If you want to try sending a message to Cap or Austin (who have the equipment and software to support this), here is what you do:
Send to:
AB6VU@winlink.org or KE6AFE@winlink.org
Subject line:
//WL2K test message (or whatever subject you wish - put a space after the K).
Gary keeps a TNC at his house for winlink communications with LPCC.
ARES EC Report
After running the local net each Tuesday night, please email Gary with the number of checkins. He forwards that to Santa Clara County ARES, per their request. David kindly offered to update the net script so that we have a reminder to so this each week.
Gary will go to an training at El Camino Hospital on how to set up an “outpost”.
President’s Report - N/A
Old Business
MERC Shelter Drill - George gave a report on the event which was an exercise in the new shelter operations protocols. They practiced by rotating stations, so everyone practiced each station. Thanks to Gary for providing radio support.
New Business
Kathi requested radio support for the CERT Exercise on May 10th. Austin agreed to do this.
LPFR BBQ is 6/1 and not in the MNN. Let’s mention it on the nets on 5/20 and 5/27.
Beginner’s Net Discussion
We agreed in principle to support this activity, but not until about July. We could try to use local repeaters (KC6TYG would be ideal). We could try for 8pm after the County Net.
This is not just a CERT activity. Let’s promote it in the MNN.
Is LPARC club meeting still in the MNN on the calendar page?
Kathi looked at the magazine and at the website and it would appear that we are not on the calendar. I can ask that we get back on the calendar.
1st Thursday of the month, 7pm at Burrell Fire, 25050 Highland Way Los Gatos, CA 95033.
Training N/A
David motions, George seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm