2010-Nov-01 minutes

David, Jennifer, Hannah, Bill, Kay, Vic

Open at 19:41

Meeting minutes for the October meeting were read and agreed to.

Bill (William) provided the Treasurer's Report:

$1729.33 balance as of today.

$ 35.97 phone bill

$ 00.00 deposit of dues

Equipment Status

Nothing to Report

Net control operators for November

11/2 George

11/9 David

11/16 Bill

11/23 Jennifer w/county net

11/30 Who ever picks it up?


George told Cap that he will be resigning as E.C. by the end of the year.

There is no one in line to take the throne.

We need someone to take on Emergency Services Coordination - Shift Supervisor - Flexibility in coordinating activites with

both Santa Cruz and Santa Clara County. Santa Clara program is a very organized program. Emergency communications course from the ARRL

and the FEMA required courses are needed. Coordinated ICS - Command Class.

Looking for a volunteer - if you are interested please let us know.

Monthly Focus - Elections

Kathi Larkin - Has decided to vacate the nomination of Vice President.

Current Slate - David Katinsky - President

William Rose - Treasurer

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Kathi will maintain her position through the end of the year.

Vic motioned, Kay seconded. All agreed. Election Slate Motion Passed.

New business:

The Giants won the World Series!

Old business:

Fox hunt - two steps of doing a transmitter hunt - antenna party and then have a hunt the following week.

Fire house location not available - need to find a new location - need to assess what participation will be.

David offered to get materials if we are going to the antenna building. David is willing to coordinate.

As a winter project we can do the antenna build. In the spring we can do the hunt and use the antenna.

Organize this for the March meeting.


No training.

Any topics which people want to discuss for the future? Any suggests please let us know.


Meeting for January should be discussed at the December meeting.

Discussion about moving the meeting start time to 19:00. Suggestion to have Treasurer's Report emailed.

Charlie motioned the meeting time to 19:00, Bill seconded the motion.

Motion carries - 5 yeh:3 nay - Starting in January 2011 19:00 start with close by 20:30.

Motion to adjorn by Vic and seconded by Ann

Meeting closed at 20:14.

Monthly focus item - What do we have planned for this year?

Jan - Discuss of what we what to do this year.

Feb - Options for Field Day

Mar - Participation for Field Day

Apr - MNN article direct mailings for Field Day

May - Repeater work day

Jun - Field Day - last full weekend in Jun.

Jul - BBQ and Antenna Building Party

Aug - Nominating - National Night Out

Sep - Fox/Tee Hunt

Oct - Special Event - Not doing this event.

Nov - Elections

2010 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

Kathi Larkin - Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer