2020-May-07 minutes
LPARC Meeting Minutes 5/7/2020
x KM6JUO Penny
KD6SEI Kathy
AC6E Mike
KE6QZJ Scott
Motion to approve last weeks meeting minutes approved
Net assignments:
12/12 Bert
12/19 Dan
12/26 Mike
6/2 Pam
Meeting started at 19:00
No treasurer's report
Berts Report:
AB6VU repeater back at Loma Prieta site.
Not fully up. Repeater by itself is working.
Having noise challenges that still needs to be solved.
We need to fix a high SWR (2.4) that could be a bad
cable. We will need to have a work party to debug this.
AE6KE sensitivity is not as good as it used to be. It
is an older system. This needs debug effort too.
We have been offered a different link transceiver and cable
by a friend of the club.
Mike and Bert will be scheduling a time in the week of
the 11th or 18th of May.
Penny mentioned that not all of our club members can
reach all of the repeaters. Bert suggested replacing
the cross link transciever AB6VU and AE6KE. It will
require a bit of an investment/time too. The two
repeaters are close together in frequency. Need to
check if the cheaper models have enough cross rejection.
President's Report:
We are still planning to go to the Ham swap meet on
Sat Jun 13th.
Tee Shirts:
Pam looked at the pictures for the vests that Bert suggested.
One $15 without markings /$25 for ARRL vest.
We could also go with custom silk screening with the company
that Pam was looking at. Pam is going to look into it a bit
2020 Field Day:
June 26th - 28th in Loma Prieta area
June 5th Virtual Meeting at San Lorenzo Amateur Club for planning
Thurs 14th EC Council Meeting
5/16/20 Drill in Santa Clara county
5/17/20 Santa Cruz Exercise
Good way to know Santa Cruz people
Will be going to various sites in Santa Cruz
1) Practice filling out ICS214s
2) Check in to resource net
3) Go to location and call in
4) Answer question about the location you were assigned
5)Social distancing with people individually in each vehicle
Bert will send out the details via general@lparc.org
Bert suggested GPS will be helpful for the event if available
Bring face mask, go bag, and have fun
Meeting concluded at 19:32