2020-Jan-02 minutes
LPARC 1/2/2020 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Present: Vince, Pam, David, Kathy, Penny, Dan, and Scott
Meeting started at 7:00 PM.
Motion to approve last months meeting minutes.
LPARC Election results from last month:
President: Penny
Vice President: Mike
Secretary: Dan
Treasurer: Bill
Board Member at Large: Dave
Net Control Assignments for January, 2020:
Jan 7: Dan
Jan 14: Penny
Jan 21: Pam
Jan 28: Bert
Feb 4: Pam
Treasury Report:
Last month: $2036.31
Tonight: $90 collected for renewed memberships
Equipment Report:
Mike is finishing the box for the AE6KE repeater.
The AE6KE repeater coordination in the repeater directory has lapsed.
There is a potential frequency interference conflict with the Daly
City WD6INC repeater. Vince is try to resolve this.
Presidents Report:
Penny called everyone on the current members list to see who is
interested in:
1) Renewing their membership
2) Do they have any equipment they want to donate to the club that
we can sell at the ham radio swap meet to raise funds for the club.
Penny will generate an updated membership roster.
Dan and Dave will work to get the data accessible by the club officers.
Dave suggesting creating some additional email addresses for the club
in addition to general@lparc.org
Pam noted that there is a company who can make club T-shirts:
T-shirts: $16
Polo shirts: $26
no minimums required.
Dan will check with his daughter to see if she can generate a club logo.
Old Business:
A new Loma Prieta CERT group is in the process of forming.
CERT has recognized the importance of having support from ham radio operators.
We still have difficulty accessing the equipment in the EOC room.
Penny is working with the Loma Prieta staff to try to ensure that our area of
the EOC room is kept available.
8:23 PM Motion to close.