2009-Oct-05 minutes
October 5, 2009 minutes
LPARC Monthly Meeting
Monday October 5, 2009
Meeting Called to Order at 19:34 Local Time
Attendee: George, Bill, Leon, Charlie, Kay, Cap, David, Jennifer, Ann T, Hannah.
Minutes have been submitted from previous months and approved.
Treasurer's report
expense 67.87
balance 1060.96
Equipment Report
Austin reset the time.
Lots of wind, battaries topped off.
Controller programming work needs to be done.
Needs to be done with a computer
David needs to order DVR. Approved budget item and just needs to be done.
Net Control
10/6 Bill, 10/13 David, 10/20 George, 10/27 Jennifer
ARES Report
On 10/17 SCT in Santa Clara 1-4 or 2-4 scenario - an Earthquake - EOC - EOC communications via the EOC radios. Not HAM Frequencies.
Discussion of getting Packet station up again. Perhaps we can work on that while doing the special event station.
On 10/17 SCT in Santa Cruz - Cap KE6AFE discussed different known events in the both sides of the hill. The expectation is that most events will be SCT.
County Wide Mutual Aide Communicator - have the two county wide resources be bridged perhaps by LPARC members since we straddle the mountain.
Special events station - is it possible to put a resource net control
Hams report in from field locations to chat for general infomraiton and tie in with City of Cupertino and County in the afternoon. Perhaps touching base with the CERT Aptos.
Exchange of email to start discussion for what we can make happen on 10/17.
Equipment Needed/Responsiblity:
Charlie will bring Radio and Power Supply
David will bring Antenna and Feed line
Commercial power available - extension cord needed - David
Snacks should be provided by club - water and snacks
Pancake breakfast - 8:00 - 11:00.
set up at 9:00 - Operations- 10-5:04 and Tear Down.
Jennifer, David and Charlie will be able to operate in the afternoon.
Nomination Commitee - Current Slate:
David Katinsky - President
Kathi Larkin - Vice President
Bill - Treasurer
Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary
Charlie and Kay close the nominations.
Kathi is willing to spread the joy of the county net - 4th Tuesday - please coordinate with Kathi for Santa Cruz County wide if you can help run the net.
New Business:
HAM Classes
Jennifer cannot teach a class at this time.
There is a class starting on 10/07/09 - for Technician Class.
This information will be forwarded out to the club.
Discussion of HAM frequency Commercial Use.
MERC Shelter Exercise on 10/24 at Lakeside School 10-2 - Request for ARES activity - George to participate. There is a 2m and 70cm on the school
George presented a number of posters for the taking.
George also presented a list of equipment that was W6ZZZ's which is available.
Meeting closed at 20:40.
Next meeting November 2, 2009