2008-Dec-01 minutes

December 1, 2008 minutes

LPARC Minutes 2008-12-01

--- President David N2RDT called the meeting to order in the Burrell Fire Station at 7:34 PM

--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, Vic AE6ID, George AE6KE, Alex K8ARK, Cap KE6AFE, Burt KG6MBA, Bill KG6VMX, Kathi KI6POY, Ann KI6OGJ, David N2RDT, and Marc W6ZZZ

Treasurer’s Report

--- Balance of $780.39, gift received of $50.00, phone bill expense of $27.89, repeater repair of $268.04 for remote base controller

--- Motion passed to make 2009 dues the same as 2008, $25 for an individual membership and $30 for a family membership

LPARC Business

--- Previous minutes accepted as read

--- We had some hands-on training for linking and unlinking the AB6VS/AE6KE repeaters for nets and emergencies

--- The next meeting of LPARC is Monday, January 5th

ARES Business

--- LPARC will be net control for the 4th Tuesday of the month Santa Cruz County ARES net (this is a weekly county-wide net), Kathi KI6POY has volunteered

--- MAC training (mutual aid communicator) happens the first Saturday of most every month; see the Santa Clara County web page for a schedule at http://www.scc-ares-races.org/activities/events.php

--- There is a Santa Clara County “Quick Trainer & Field Resource Guide for the Emergency Communicator” at http://www.scc-ares-races.org/SCCARESquickresourceguideA.pdf

--- Santa Clara County training on Jan 10 at 9 AM on Net Control at the County Sheriff’s Office, see the LPARC web site for links

--- On-line there is the ICS-100 training class from FEMA (see training.fema.gov), also ICS-200, 700 and 800

AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report

--- Charlie AB6VS reports that the batteries are fully charged

--- No report from the Repeater Committee consisting of Austin AB6VU, David N2RDT and George AE6KE

AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report

--- Nothing to report

Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM

--- 12/02 Alex K8ARK --- 12/09 Charlie AB6VS

--- 12/16 Bill KG6MBX --- 12/23 George AE6KE

--- 12/30 Alex K8ARK

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.


- Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary

- Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club ( http://www.lparc.org/ )

- Serving the Los Gatos Mountains community with emphasis on emergency preparedness and response

LPARC home page