2014-Jun-05 minutes

06-05-2014 LPARC Minutes

LPARC Minutes


George Smith, AE6KE, President;

Austin Lesea, AB6VU, Vice President;

Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary

Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.;

Guest: Mark, formerly W9TOL, but has not been active in amateur radio in a while.

George called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm

Approval of the May 1, 2014 minutes

Gary motions, Austin seconds, approved, with the amendment that Gary’s training at El Camino Hospital last month was “packet training on Outpost software”, not setting up an outpost.

NOTE: No LPARC Meeting in July, no meeting July 3rd

Treasurer’s Report - N/A


06/10 - George

06/17 - Austin

06/24 – Kathi - 4th, county net week

07/01 – We need someone to take this net, please email the club general@lparc.net

07/08 -Austin

07/15 - We need someone to take this net, please email the club general@lparc.net

07/22 - Kathi - 4th, county net week

07/29 - We need someone to take this net, please email the club general@lparc.net

08/05 – MRNO, Gary W will attend the booth, but needs someone else to run the net.

Why are the Nets so quiet these days?

Santa Cruz no longer has an EC and club meetings have not been happening.


Austin mentioned that there are Scanner websites for your smart phone from which you can listen to the nets. There are also apps for your computer/phone for scanners. IRLP.

KC6TYG is still awaiting transport down from Soda Springs.

AB6VS 440cm cannot hear very well while AE6KE 2m is transmitting so this month, Kathi had to move to AE6KE in order to run the net. Austin is thinking of ways to troubleshoot the issue.

AE6KE George and David put a new antenna on the repeater – thanks!

NARC – Northern CA Amateur Radio Repeater Coordinating Committee – Austin reports that a changing of the guard is underway. Perhaps looking into a different model for funding.

Reminder: Monday nights at 7pm is the San Rafael nets, same frequency and pl.

ARES EC Report

Kathi should email Cap about getting an ARES badge renewal.

Field Day is June 28-29

What is Field Day?: http://www.arrl.org/field-day

Field Day Locator: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator

President’s Report - N/A

Old Business

Thanks to Gary for sitting at the CERT booth as an ARES Rep at the LPFR BBQ Fundraiser and special thanks to Jennifer and Hannah K for your hard work volunteering at the event.

Thanks to Austin for supporting the May 1oth CERT Final Exercise, running a radio net.

New Business

Beginner’s Net Discussion

We agreed in principle to support this activity. We could try to use local repeaters (KC6TYG would be ideal). We could try for 8pm, once a month on the 2nd Tuesday. This is not just a CERT activity. Let’s promote it in the MNN in the July issue for the 2nd Tuesday of the month 8pm, starting August 12th, which frequency…KC6TYG? AE6KE? AB6VS?

MRNO - August 5th

Ham Table, run the net from there, Gary has replied to Sue.

Gazebo Field, 6-8pm, but setup is at 5-5:15pm

Note: Gary W will attend the booth, but needs someone to run the net.

Neil was kind enough to add us back to the MNN calendar page. Kathi will ask if he will add the website. www.lparc.org

Training N/A

Austin motions, George seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm