2017-Jan-05 minutes
Jan 05, 2017 LPARC Minutes
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, President
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
John Yontz, KA6HCG, Vice President
Ron Morin, KK6YZU, Secretary
Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer
David Katinsky, N2RDT, Floating Board Member Penny Allen, Member
George Smith, AE6KE, Member
Bert called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
Meeting Minutes
Dec. 01 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved
Treasurer’s Report
• Bill reported that the club current balance is $1,035.23
03 Jan17 John
10 Jan17 Bill
17 Jan17 Dave
24 Jan17 John
31 Jan17 Bert
AE6KE repeater is continuing to work fine.
AB6VS repeater is not back yet. At some point in the future the AB6VS repeater will be renamed to AB6VU – everyone will need to reprogram this repeater into their amateur radios. More information to come.
During the work party it was discovered the TNC and computer was bad
• Approved – Bert to purchase a replacement cable and be reimbursed – need to obtain another cable.
ARES EC Report
There will be a quarterly Santa Clara County ARES meeting – Bert and Gary will attend.
Feb. class offered – Message Passing (3 hr. class) – conducted at the Sunnyvale Police Dept., Feb. 4th, 9-12
President’s Report
• Bert stated he wants to accomplish 3 things this year
1) Club become better prepared to respond for a disaster
a. How do we call up resources, obtain resources – the process b. Getting members familiar with the equipment
c. Obtainheadphones
d. Getting smart with templates in RMS Express
e. Message Logging
2) Put together a plan on how to increase the number of members in our club
a. Increase out budget
b. Conduct HAM Licensing class
c. Haveguestspeakersatourmeetings
3) List of who are the active members in the club
a. Action: Bill will put the list together – Gary will provide the ARES information.
b. Name/Call sign/phone numbers – update club roster c. Action:GoogleDoc’s–postthememberroster–Dave
• Proposed projects for the club:
1) Members to take the trainings offered by Santa Clara ARES 2) Participate in local drills
3) Fix George’s vertical antennae
4) Put together a HF station (create a committee to explore) 5) Have a Field Day Station
• N/A
New Business
• N/A
Old Business
Issue a new phone tree – Gary volunteered – (in process)
Editing and updating the ARES Handbook – Gary volunteered – (in
Updating AARL Club information – Dave volunteered and (completed)
Updating Net Control script – Dave volunteered and (completed)
The meeting was adjourned at 07:43 PM.