2014-Aug-07 minutes
Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary;
Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer;
Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.;
David Katinsky, N2RDU;
Leon Milburn, KD6FAQ;
Kay Fanucci, KI6POL
Newell, 95033 landowner, thinking of building a home, but wants to make sure high-speed internet is workable. We suggested he join 95033talk yahoogroup and study the archives on this topic, especially Surfnet, and maybe pose the question there. He was asking about the repeater owners.
Kathi called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm
Approval of the June 5, 2014 minutes
Gary motions, David seconds, approved.
Treasurer’s Report
No change since April. Balance is $1158.00
Kathi asked if Bill could send out a current roster of our club membership.
08/12 Bill R.
08/19 we need a net control operator
08/26 Kathi L.
09/02 David K.
KC6TYG is ?
AB6VS 440cm cannot hear very well while AE6KE 2m is transmitting so this month, Kathi had to move to AE6KE in order to run the net. Austin is thinking of ways to troubleshoot the issue.
Suggested mode of net operation:
Start on AB6VS to link repeaters, then move to AE6KE to run the net.
ARES EC Report
Run Through the Redwoods
Operators are needed. Sunday, August 17 in Felton plus pancake breakfast for volunteers. Contact Dan Selling - N6RJX - of San Lorenzo to signup.
Gary has been participating in Santa Clara County ARES Emergency Net Control training.
On Field Day, Gary went with San Lorenzo Hams up Empire Grade and made contact with the International Space Station - how cool is that???!!!
President’s Report - N/A
Old Business
David asks if any of us is interested in supporting and Events Station on the anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake or thereabouts (it would be Saturday 10/18 and we need an expression of club support ASAP if it is to have a chance to get into the QST magazine in time. Otherwise it will be tabled. So email David ASAP at dmk@pobox.com if there is interest in pursuing this.
Beginner’s Net
Tabled for now. Perhaps better to start in the fall/winter, or wait until KC6TYG is up and running. For future reference:
Beginner’s Net Discussion
We agreed in principle to support this activity. We could try to use local repeaters (KC6TYG would be ideal). We could try for 8pm, once a month on the 2nd Tuesday. This is not just a CERT activity. Let’s promote it in the MNN in the July issue for the 2nd Tuesday of the month 8pm, starting August 12th, which frequency…KC6TYG? AE6KE? AB6VS?
We got 2 nibbles in terms of interest in the LPARC ham club.
David had a lot of fun working the portable station in the centennial year of ARRL. Made confirmed contacts on both the W1AW/1 and W1AW/2 stations which were very active.
New Business N/A
Training N/A
David motioned and Gary seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm