2014-Sep-04 minutes

04 Sept 2014 Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes


Austin Lesea, AB6VU;

Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer;

Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.;

Bert Bailey, KG6MBA;

Leon Milburn, KD6FAQ;

Kay Fanucci, KI6POL

Austin called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm and did a superb job of running the meeting.

Approval of the Last Meeting’s minutes

Gary motioned and Austin seconded – the minutes were approved. The minutes were accepted, with the correction that the treasurer’s balance is $1100.58 not $1158.00.

Treasurer’s Report

No change since April. Balance is $1100.58.


09/09 Kathi Larkin

09/16 Bill Rose

09/23 Austin Lesea

09/30 Kathi Larkin


KC6TYG is up and running well. It was suggested that on the first week of the month, when the Santa Cruz county net requested operators locate to served agency locations, that someone from Loma Prieta go to the Loma Prieta Fire Station and use their radio .

AB6VS 70cm cannot hear very well while AE6KE 2m is stuck receiving. Suggested mode of net operation: use A6KE to run the net, do not link.

ARES EC Report

The Disaster in Paradise CERT exercise will take place at the Soquel Home Depot Parking lot on 41st Street, this Sunday, 07 Sept. 2014

On October 07, 2014 There will be a large CERT exercise at West Valley, sponsored by the Los Gatos and Monte Serrano CERT groups.

Austin promised to pass on to all a call for operators requested by Bob Wizer, K6RMW (bob.wiser@k6rmw.net) to support Santa Cruz. The Santa Cruz County Fair will run 09-14 Sept 2014.

Austin also mentioned the Santa Cruz Triathlon Which will take place 28 Sept. 2014 at 8:00 AM. Those interested should contact Dan and Chris, N6RJX & KG6DOZ at dan.selling@gmail.com ,chris.angelos@plantronics.com respectively.

Gary is continuing his participation in Santa Clara County ARES Emergency Net Control training.

President’s Report - N/A, As George Smith was out of town.

Old Business

Beginner’s Net

The beginner’s net is tabled for now. This will probably start in the fall/winter

Beginner’s Net Discussion:

We agreed in principle to support this activity. It is expected that folks will use the KC6TYG repeater repeaters (KC6TYG would be ideal).

New Business

Austin mentioned that George Smith has requested that a nomination committee be created to nominate officers for the 2015 year. Gary volunteered.

Misc Discussion

Austin mentioned that Verizon and AT&T is trying to get rid of all land line telephones and to go to cell phones and IP telephony only. Comments open at FCC. Kay mentioned that this would lead to unreliable communications during a disaster, such as an earthquake – all agreed.

Austin mentioned that during a disaster, if one picks up a landline phone and hears no dial tone – just wait a while – a tone will come on. Also when dialing during a disaster via landline, dial the last digit after a 5+second wait – this will cause the phone switch to give your call a higher priority in connecting your cal (land lines only)l.


Bert Bailey is currently teaching a HAM Tech. license class. He currently has 2 students.

Austin offered to bring his power meter, SWR meter and other test equipment to next month’s meeting. Austin is offering to check out folk’s radios to see if they are properly working. Everyone who wants Austin’s help should bring their radios!!

Meeting Adjournment

Gary motioned and all seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM.