2015-May-07 minutes
05-07-2015 LPARC Minutes
Austin Lesea, AB6VS, President
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
David Katinsky, N2RDT, Member
Austin called the meeting to order at 7:10pm
Approval of the April 2, 2015 minutes
Austin recommends an amendment to minutes:
AB6VS works, just doesn’t link.
Treasurer’s Report N/A
May 12 - Bert
May 19 – Austin
May 26 - Kathi, 4th Tuesday is when we run the county net
June 2 – David/Jennifer
AE6KE – wonderful
AB6VS – does not link, so don’t use this during the nets.
It is now on a timer and works!
This is still in the works:
Bill is working with Alex and Kathi to program the FT-8500 that resides at LPFR. LPFR will need to purchase the software (approx $25) so he can load the local frequencies on that radio).
Austin has heard that Alex is working on securing an antenna that will work on both 2m and 44cm repeaters.
ARES EC Report
Davids suggests we look at Jerry Inman’s Strawberry Fields email for opportunity to support on Sunday, May 17th.
President’s Report N/A
New Business N/A
Training N/A
Bert quizzes us on our readiness to respond.
Go Bag, batteries, 72 hour kit?
How long would it take you to respond?
Bert wants to do packet training at the school.
Packet is for sending sensitive info that you would not want to say on the radio, i.e. medical issues, medications, etc.
Perhaps we can develop a cheat sheet.
Perhaps we can try to learn the Santa Cruz system first.
Austin suggests we develop a plan by August 2015 meeting.
Bert will begin this process.
Old Business
Gary motions meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm, Bert seconds, adjourned.