2008-May-05 minutes
May 5, 2008 minutes
LPARC Minutes 2008-05-05
--- President David N2RDT called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM in the Burrell Fire Station
--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, George AE6KE, Leon KD6FAQ, Bill KG6VMX, Ann KI6OGJ, Louie KI6OSL, Kay KI6POL, Kathi KI6POY, David N2RDT and Marc W6ZZZ
Minutes From Last Month
--- Minutes from the April meeting were approved
--- Minutes for past months are available in MS Word format at http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes
Treasurer’s Report
--- Income of $125 from dues, monthly expense of $25.13 for the phone in the repeater shack (used for remote control and phone patches), balance of $1090.23 at end-of-month
LPARC Business
--- Lots of discussion about the repeater replacement, the current plan is to get a new controller supporting two radios: 70cm plus a link to the AE6KE repeater on 2m.
--- A group of people stayed after the meeting to assist some of the folks with programming their new radios
--- David N2RDT will be sending out some email about additional clean-up at the AB6VS repeater site
--- David is also interested in organizing a simple “transmitter fox hunt” for some fun and practice
ARES Business
--- Events (contact George AE6KE to sign up for these): mutual aid request for 2 people at a MAC exercise for the Human Race on May 10; Strawberry Fields bicycle race on May 18, 6-10AM; Watsonville Air Show on May 30; Sequoia Century on July 1; and our very own local Skyland Run on July 12
--- These events are a great place to practice your skills and make sure your equipment is working a-okay
--- George AE6KE has installed 2 antennas on the roof of the Loma Prieta Community Center for our emergency radio system and our packet system
--- David N2RDT has an idea/plan on having people using the ARES equipment at the Community Center every so often to run the LPARC net (like on 5/06), contact him if you would like to do this also
--- Charlie AB6VS made a suggestion (adopted) that we hold the LPARC June 2 meeting at the Community Center to familiarize people with the ARES equipment setup/use
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- All okay reported by Charlie, AB6VS
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- Net control operators: Please send your weekly list of check-ins (call signs) to Marc W6ZZZ and we will publish them in our monthly minutes
--- 5/06 David N2RDT --- 5/20 Bill KG6VMX
--- 5/13 Charlie AB6VS --- 5/27 George AE6KE
The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.
Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary