2020-Nov-05 minutes
Meeting held via Webex telephone conference.
LPARC Meeting Minutes 11/5/2020
meetiing called to order 19:05
KM6JUO Penny
KD6SEI Kathy
AC6E Mike
KE6QZJ Scott
Motion to approve last weeks meeting minutes approved
Net assignments:
11/10 Bert
11/17 Mike
11/24 Dan
12/1 Penny
Treasurer's Report
Bill: We have $1661.21 in bank + $405 cash for a total of $2063.21.
Equipment Report:
All of the components to links kc6tyg to ae6ke have been purchased.
Mike and Bert did a site survey for wiring estimates.
We have a free antenna and cable that were donated by the site KC6TYG owner.
Dan, Penny, and Bert did a SWR test on the antenna.
Measurement of antenna: SWR < 1.2
All repeaters are working fine.
Mike will be wiring the power.
Dan will setting up the controller.
Bert provided programming of AE6KErepeater controller for an example.
President's Report:
Nominations for next year's club officers:
Bill will be stepping down as treasurer, so the position is open.
We will need minutes documenting the transfer for the bank.
Bert nominated Penny for the position of President.
Pam seconded the nomination.
Bert volunteering for Board member at Large.
Mike agreed to continue as Vice President.
Treasurer: Penny willing to assume the role of treasurer.
Mike volunteered to be the second signature on the bank account.
Dan agreed to continue as Secretary
Club Officer Nominations:
President: Penny
Vice President: Mike
Treasurer: Penny
Secretary: Dan
Board Member at Large: Bert
911 Reporting Station event during PGE PSPS:
How do we publicize if we are available for a 911 reporting station.
Penny suggested that she can put a sign on her property at the corner
of HWY17 and Summit Road.
It was recommended that we have a station at the parking lot
across from the Loma Prieta School. The county could not get
in contact with anyone from the school.
Bert has the name of the contact at the school for such an event,
but the DEC and the County need to work out some details to get
this organized. Bert has given the Loma Prieta person with the
OES Duty Officer of Santa Cruz so that we can get this resolved.
This item is on the agenda for the next Santa Cruz EC meeting.
There is a pullout near Del Monte Road at Summit Road. Can we setup there?
If we are fully activated, we have the DSW protection.
Bert is working on getting approval of the use on Loma Prieta
School on the side of the Summit Road on school property.
Summit Store is also an option for an emergency reporting station
since it has good traffic.
LPARC submitted a grant request to the Loma Prieta Foundation to
fund the linking effort of the KC6TYG repeater to the AE6KE repeater.
Dan helped Penny load the donations we have into Penny's truck
so that she can donate the radios to a radio shop and the nuts/bolts
will be recycled. Last call if anyone in the club wants some of
the nuts/bolts, etc.
Pam to talk on CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) education:
Monday Pam will pick up the new 2020 course information.
One need to first take the 12-hour online class to get the
hard-copy information.
Search for 'free online CERT 2020 Course' online for CERT training.
12-hour online course followed by 16-hour hands-on class.
Contact Pam if you want to take the online course and need a book.
Pam will deliver the books to Penny for distribution
For the online class, go to:
www.onlinecert.org (at Utah University)
Scroll go down to resources
There shoudl be a 'Free 2020 Online CERT Course' link.
Upcoming activities:
This Sunday Santa Cruz is having a PGE PSPS Class
Call John Gerhardt jfgerhardt@gmail.com for information.
There are existing time slots.
It will be at Green Acres school. 966 Bostwick Lane viat 7th Avenue
Bert has sent out information.
Dec 12th 2020 End of year Summary Meeting for Santa Clara
No old or new business to review.
Meeting adjourned at 19:58.