2021-Aug-05 minutes
LPARC Meeting Minutes 8/5/2021
meeting called to order 19:04
KM6JUO Penny call in user 2
KD6SEI Kathy call in user 4
KM6MBA Bert call in user 3
KE6QZJ Scott
W6OPQ Eddie
N6PAD John
Motion to approve last weeks meeting minutes approved.
Mike and Dan made a motion to approve. Penny reviewed last week's meeting
We will have to train the net control operators
Net assignments:
8/10 Dan
8/17 Mike
8/24 Penny
8/31 Bert
The Santa Cruz ARES net has been cancelled until further notic.
No Activity this month
Treasurer's Report: no report this month
$3076.60 this month.
Equipment Report:
No Change.
All three repeaters up and working.
There is still a little cleanup needed for the software on the new controllers.
A delay will have to be added when the link is enabled and when the command
is enabled.
President's Report:
We had hoped to resume in-person meeting, but the Covid
contions do not permit this.
July 18th we had packet exercise with Outpost
Pam Kathy Dan John Penny and Bert participated.
Sept 12th is the Fire Barbeque that we could setup
a packet station as a demo.
Penny can give Alex Lehman a call at the fire station.
Sept 19th can be a possible alternative date if the 12th doesn't work.
Penny mentioned setting up and practicing the day before the event.
We will need to see what support we can get at the EOC and the event.
The biggest crowd is expected from 11AM-3PM.
Bert had volunteered to assist Santa Cruz as a radio
ARES Power 2.5 exercise on August 1st went well, using the PSPS reporting form.
Penny, Pam, and Kathy attended.
This exercise was to implement a 911 reporting station for when power
is out and there is no other communications.
Mike has expressed interest in replacing Bert as the EC.
Bert has been EC for about 2.5 years and he is ready for retirement.
The EC role includes a report to Santa Clara and Santa Cruz County
once a month. The EC is also supposed to promote activities in the
Mike want to host a HF constest participation for LPARC.
It is supposed to be a casual event on the 21st or 22nd of August.
Mike detailed the different activities that will be done
in the event.
Pam, Bert, Mike, John P. and Penny expressed an interest in the event.
The Loma Pioneer net on Tuesday's after our net, noted
they are rebuilding their tower after the fire last year.
They are experiencing cost overruns. They have already
raised $60K of the $80k needed.
Bert provided a good exercise this last Tuesday during the weekly net.
Upcoming Events / Activities:
Loma Pioneer pinic scheduled for this year has been cancelled
Santa Clara has some training listed on the their web site https://www.scc-ares-races.org/aresraces.htm.
Oct 7-10 is the Sea Otter Classic
Signup information has been sent out
Aug 7th
Aug 21st Mike's contesting event.
Sept 4th Watsonville Fireworks support
Sept 15-19 Santa Cruz County Fair -check with Gary K6PDL if there is more room
New Business:
Nothing heard
Old Business:
Action Items:
Meeting adjurned at 20:00