2017-11-02 minutes
Meeting called to order at 1900 hours.
Present: Bert B, Bill R, Vince D, Pam KD6KDF,
Will Glass (student) 408-656-6584, Kathy Adams KD6SEI (student) 408-569-2521.
Nov 7 Bill
Nov 14. Bert
Nov 21 Penny
Nov 28. Vince
Dec 5. John
Treas Report: $789.79 balance, includes $215. from Bert's current license instruction class.
Equipment Report:
AB6VU repeater on Loma Prieta works but CAT 1000 controller will not link to AE6KE. Bert installed a low voltage shutoff because the receiver and controller do not tolerate low voltage. It automatically turns back on after the solar array has recharged the batteries. We may consider a low voltage booster.
KC6TYG and AE6KE repeaters are working well.
We would like to replace our 1995 vintage iCom 2710 transceivers at our EOC. We may be able to borrow others from S. Cruz agencies.
We should get a new controller for AB6VU.
Bert submitted a request for $500 grant from LPCF, which would help to fund new equipment.
President's Report:
2018 club officer nominations:
Pres: Penny
V.Pres: John Voting will be held next month
Treas: Bill at the Dec meeting.
Sec: Vince
Float Board member: Dave
Last month:
Oct 14 Bert, John, and Penny travelled to Ed Levine Co. Park for a remote EOC exercise in which we transmitted to EOCs of other Santa Clara Co cities who had set up their EOCs in the park. Our EOC was set up in John's RV. Two cities had RVs. San Jose was awarded best EOC. Loma Prieta tied for second with Milpitas. Thanks to John, especially for the antenna.
Oct 21 S. Cruz Co. conducted an exercise to interface between itself-XCZ- and Santa Clara Co-XSC. XCZ communicated with AE6KE. The Saratoga Summit EOC raised their antenna and came in loud and clear to LPEOC. Las Cumbres EOC couldn't directly connect to LPEOC, but could communicate to us via their repeater K6FB (145.450 MHz). Our antennas don't have good coverage in the direction of Half Moon Bay.
There is no activity currently planned for this month. There is a DOD EMP exercise Nov 4-6. Bert will contact S. Clara Co. to get info.
DOD runs MARS network to transmit messages to people during disasters. It uses slightly different frequencies than ham.
Idea for this month: Fox Hunt. Hide a transmitter and hams hunt for it with their HTs on approx 100 acres.
Old Business: We still need fund raising ideas.
Hold an auction of donated items.
Find out what the Felton ham radio club does.
Something at the June fire dept BBQ.
Our own raffle. We would need to canvass in Jan for donations. If we could obtain high dollar items, might consider an auctioneer.
Raise club dues.
Raise license class fees.
New Business:
We need to take the windmill down from its tower because its auto breaking is bad and we are not using it for power now that we have the solar panels.
Mtg adjourned T 2014 hours.
Penny Allen