2014-Oct-02 minutes

10-02-2014 LPARC Minutes

LPARC Minutes


Austin Lesea, AB6VU, Vice President;

Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary

Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.;

David Katinsky, N2RDT, Board;

Austin called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm

Approval of the September 4, 2014 minutes

David motions, Gary seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report - N/A


10/7- Gary

10/14 - David

10/21 - Kathi….probably

10/28 - Austin

11/4 - Bill?


Austin replaced the connection on the 2m antenna AB6VS and tested linking with AE6KE and it now seems to be working fine. Great work, Austin!

KC6TYG is also working great. The plan is to install a timer at the repeater to cycle it off and on once every night (though the battery backup will mean there is no loss of connectivity).

KL needs to get a new mic for her HT. Thanks for the help with the trouble-shooting!

ARES EC Report - N/A

Austin worked Waves to Wine and it was pretty eventful...a hit and run, lost bicyclists.

President’s Report - N/A

Old Business

CERT Dangers in Paradise was a success, albeit lower attendance than in the past.

The Beginners’ Net was tabled again. But when we do revive it, it will be on KC6TYG on Tuesday nights around 8pm after the other nets.

New Business

Gary (the nomination committee) submitted these names for the slate, subject to the approval of the nominated individuals, before sending it up for a vote:

  • President: Austin Lesea, AB6VS

  • Vice President: Bert Bailey, KG6MBA

  • Secretary: Kathi Larkin, KI6POY

  • Treasurer: Bill Rose, KG6VMX

  • Board Members:

  • Vic Linderholm, AE6ID

  • David Katinsky, N2RDT

  • Jennifer Katinsky, N2RDU

Training N/A

David motions, Gary seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:39 pm