2007-Nov-05 minutes

November 5, 2007 minutes

--- President David, N2RDT, called the meeting to order at 7:38 PM in the CDF Burrell Fire Station

--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, Vic AE6ID, George AE6KE, Leon KD6FAQ, Jennifer N2RDU, and Marc W6ZZZ

--- Guests: Kay Fanucci, Harold & Shirley Hoyt, Hannah Katinsky, Kathy Larkin, Kathy Tumason

Minutes From Last Month

--- Minutes from the October meeting were approved

--- Minutes for past months are available in MS Word format at http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes

Treasurer’s Report

--- First of month balance was $648.72, $50.47 spent the last 2 months for phone at the repeater shack

--- Dues should be paid in January, $25 single membership or $30 family membership for multiple hams

LPARC Business

--- December 3 (first Monday): next LPARC meeting

--- Club election plans: current officers were re-nominated, members will vote in December.

--- Discussion for our CERT guests on how repeaters work, where located, why they don’t get overloaded and shut down in an emergency like cell phones, how to get a ham radio license, how much handi-talkie radios cost

--- Kathy Larkin to come up with a list of interested people and LPARC will schedule/give a ham radio class

--- The class would be 4 sessions of 2 hours each for the exam, then 1 more class on radio selection

ARES Business

--- A new AEC (assistant emergency coordinator) for training is still needed, see George AE6KE for details

--- October 13: Santa Clara county drill was held, the 5-word burst communications method works well

--- October 25: statewide hospital drill was held. Santa Cruz hospitals participated

Old Business from Previous Months

--- Marc W6ZZZ to investigate brackets for the antennas on the LPCC building (contact Tom Levenhagen)

AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report

--- The wind turbine has been sent back to the factory for repair

--- The club needs to raise $600 to replace the repeater controller, we have a source for the additional $700

AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report

--- Nothing to report

Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM

--- The latest net script is available at: http://www.lparc.org/lparcares%26clubnetscript"

--- 11/6 Vic AE6ID --- 11/20 Charlie AB6VS

--- 11/13 George AE6KE --- 11/27 David N2RDT

The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM.


Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary


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