2021-May-06 minutes

LPARC Meeting Minutes 5/6/2021

Meeting called to order 19:06


KM6JUO Penny call in user 3



KM6MBA Bert call in user 2

AC6E Mike Meyers

KM6ZWR Jack Saratoga

Motion to approve last weeks meeting minutes approved.


Net assignments:


05/11 Mike

05/18 Dan

05/25 Pam

06/01 Penny

Treasurer's Report:

No report this month

Club account balance: $3359.49

Everyone has been reimbursed for the repeater upgrade

Equipment Report:

For the repeater upgrade installation, who wants to watch.

Pam will go if it is during the week.

Dan and Bert got together to continue the upgrade. We were

available to get basic operation, but not the link to AE6KE

very clearly. Bert upgraded the cable and shielded the cables.

Bert did a test tonight and is now getting a signal through.

Still some work to be done. We will press forward with the


President's Report:

Mike AC6E held his NVIS antenna building exercise last weekend.

Several participants were able to build NVIS antennas.

Penny was interested as to how we can invite more Santa Cruz

ham operators.

Penny participated in the Santa Cruz CERT response exercise.

Bert noted Santa Cruz folks were training with tactical call

signs which Mike M. included in his training. Bert also noted

we need more training for relaying communications amongst the


Pam noted Cap of Santa Cruz for people to practice sending

packed communications.

Upcoming Events / Activities:

Further packet practices at our EOC would be beneficial.

Mike suggested a packet clinic. Penny will look into the

May 15th Santa Clara County quarterly exercise. The county

drill will start at 9:00 Saturday.

We could help individual members install their NVIS antennas

that were built last weekend and the club activity.

Active shooter perimeter communications for the second to

last week of June.


New Business:

Pam will organize the May 15th Santa Clara County exercise.

Old Business:

Meeting adjourned at 19:45 PM.