2009-Feb-02 minutes
February 2, 2009 minutes
LPARC Minutes 2009-02-02
--- President David N2RDT called the meeting to order in the Burrell Fire Station at 7:34 PM
--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, George AE6KE, Vic AE6ID, Leon KD6FAQ, Bill KG6VMX, Louie KI6OSL, Kay KI6POL, David N2RDT and Marc W6ZZZ
--- Guests: Jerry AE6I (Emergency Coordinator for Santa Cruz)
Treasurer’s Report
--- EOM balance of $1082.13, Income of dues received $180, Expenses of phone bill $31.63
LPARC Business
--- Previous minutes read and accepted
--- Dues are now due, $25 for an individual membership and $30 for a family membership, bring cash or a check to the next meeting, or mail a check to George AE6KE payable to Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club
--- Repeater Replacement Committee: repeater purchase of CAT 1000 repeater controller, we are under budget by $500, still need to buy some odds and ends
--- Science Fair: the Home & School Club is holding a Science Fair on Saturday March 21st from 2-5 PM. This would be an excellent way for our club to introduce young students to Ham Radio. Volunteers needed, contact ???
--- CERT Training: there will be CERT training on July 16, contact Kathi KI6POY for more info
--- The next meeting of LPARC is Monday, March 2nd
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- None
AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report
--- None
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- 2/03 Alex K8ARK --- 2/17 George AE6KE
--- 2/10 Charlie AB6VS --- 2/24 Marc W6ZZZ
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
- Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary