2015-Dec-03 minutes
December 3, 2015 LPARC Minutes
Austin Lesea, AB6VS, President
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
Jennifer Katinsky, N2RDU, Board
Eddie Maru, W6OPQ, member, I think
Introductions N/A
Austin called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
(Notes from Bert until Kathi arrived at 7:10, President’s Report)
Approval of the November 5, 2015 minutes
Accepted without change.
Treasurer’s Report (N/A)
From last month:
Bill reported that the club current balance is the same as last month: $686.97
It was decided that no net control list will be created and that folks can just stand up if available.
(Kathi will notify the County that she will not be available to run the 4th week nets.)
All repeaters working well. Austin wants to check out the AB6VS repeater next year to see about getting the hum out of it.
Bert had contacted the County regarding equipment lost in the fire. No response has been forthcoming from the County.
ARES EC Report
Gary mentioned that he received a request from Scott Morse to update his County ARES member lists. He has one list for Santa Clara and one for Santa Cruz. It was recommended that everyone log into both counties and update their information.
Gary appointed Bert as his Assistant EC.
The ECs may be involved in the near future in a meeting regarding the upcoming Super Bowl.
President’s Report
Everyone but Kathi is re-upping. Austin moved, Gary seconded, voted in the same slate as last year with an empty seat for the secretary position. We will try to find a secretary or rotate the duty or perhaps amend the bylaws if we cannot find another member to fill this position.
2016 Board:
President – Austin Lesea, AB6VS
Vice President – Bert Bailey, KG6MBA
Treasurer – Bill Rose, KG6VMX
Secretary – open seat
Board Member – Jennifer Katinsky, N2RDU
And our EC (appointed by Santa Cruz County ARES) renewed his availability for 2016:
EC – Gary Watson, K6PDL
Assistant EC, appointed by Gary – Bert Bailey, KG6MBA
Bert would like 4 topics the club would like to see training sessions on for the coming year.
December 5th at Austin’s house, 10 am – 1pm latest.
25542 Mt. Bache Rd. LG 95033, second driveway on the right from the stop sign.
New Business
Austin renewed the AB6VS NARC certification. We might change it to AB6VU due to some complexities.
Old Business N/A
Bert motions, Gary seconds, adjourned at 7:20 pm.