2007-Oct-01 minutes
October 1, 2007 minutes
LPARC Minutes 2007-10-01
--- President David, N2RDT, called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM in the CDF Burrell Fire Station
--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, Vic AE6ID, George AE6KE, and Marc W6ZZZ
Minutes From Last Month
--- Minutes from the August meeting were approved (there was no September meeting due to the holiday)
--- Minutes are at http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes
Treasurer’s Report
--- No report
LPARC Business
--- Marc W6ZZZ talked about the California QSO Party (CQP) which he described as “the most fun that an HF ham in California can have on the radio”, Oct 6-7, full details at their web site www.cqp.org
--- October 13 (second Saturday) - ASVARO Electronics Flea Market at De Anza College (last one for 2007):
--- November 5 (first Monday) - next LPARC meeting
--- LPARC received a donation of 2 vintage radios and 2 microphones (we will send a thank-you letter)
--- Club election plans: Formalize nominations in November, members will vote in December.
ARES Business
--- A new AEC (assistant emergency coordinator) for training is still needed, see George AE6KE for details
--- Badges - nothing to report
--- Training on activation procedures was presented at the meeting by AE6KE, courtesy of Trudy KC6NAX
--- Oct 13 (Saturday) - Santa Clara County drill, George AE6KE will find the new form for message traffic
Old Business from Previous Months
--- Marc W6ZZZ to investigate brackets for the antennas on the LPCC building (contact Tom Levenhagen)
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- There is a work party to dismount the wind turbine for repair scheduled for Tuesday Oct 2, the turbine spins in the wind but does not generate electricity
--- Discussion was held about getting additional funding for replacing the repeater controller (it’s at the end of its useful life). Various ideas need more discussion between now and the end of the calendar year.
AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report
--- Nothing to report
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- The latest net script is available at: http://www.lparc.org/lparcares%26clubnetscript
--- 10/2 Vic AE6ID --- 10/16 Marc W6ZZZ --- 10/30 David N2RDT
--- 10/9 Charlie AB6VS --- 10/23 George AE6KE
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary