2014-Feb-06 minutes

02-06-2014 LPARC Minutes

LPARC Minutes

Present: George Smith, President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary; Bill Rose, Treasurer; Gary Watson, E.C., Jennifer Katinsky, Bert Bailey

George called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm

Approval of the Jan 2, 2014 minutes

Jennifer motions, Gary seconds, approved.

(Upon typing the 2/6/14 minutes, the secretary notices that last month she was identified as the treasurer, an error).

Treasurer’s Report

$1146.08 current balance (3 checks last month, not 2, per Bill)

(= $50 more in dues submitted tonight, to be added)


2/11 - Bill

2/18 - George

2/25 -Kathi

3/4 - Jennifer or David K.

  • On first Tuesdays, served agency check-in night on the county net

  • Kathi will check into the county net via headset during the LPFR business meeting, (unofficial) served agency check-in.

  • Bert checked in this month, 2 days ago, at LPFR, but it appears it is time to buy a new radio since there was a glitch.


W6WLS is broken so Becky KI6TKB asked all to check in via Simplex.

KC6TYG seems to be down (Bert tried it today). The old repeater is at Austin’s and it works, but uses a different PL.

AB6VS and AE6KE seem to be fine.

ARES EC Report

Everyone should check out the February MNN article that Gary submitted!

K6BJ work party is scheduled for this Saturday, but given the weather...may not happen.

Gary attend a Field Ops class and part 2 is this Saturday.

See the Santa Clara County ARES website for training dates.

President’s Report - N/A

Old Business

New Business

The Secretary will be absent at the March 6 meeting.

Science Fair at Loma/CTE School

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jennifer and David cannot do this, so JK will send a message to the club asking if someone wants to staff a table at the fair.

Skyland Run

George is 95% sure it is over, so it would be good to find new training, practice opportunities.

MERC Shelter Drill at Loma/CTE School

Saturday April 12 (or 26)

Ham radio contacts the Red Cross

CERT Classes

March-April, dates t.b.d.

We will need Radio Training and support during the final exercise.

Bert is willing.

Training N/A

Bert motions to adjourn, Jennifer seconds, adjourned at 7:45 pm