2019-July-11 minutes

Meeting called to order 1902 hrs

Members present: Dan Pam Penny


Tues July 16. Penny

23. Pam

30. Dan

Treasurer Rpt: Our club will not be able to get matching funds for KC6TYG repeater upgrade expenses due to paperwork requirements at the fire department.

Equipment Rpt: We held a site assessment/cleanup on July 7. It was decided to build a plywood Box to house the repeater duplexers. It needs to be approx 2 1/2 x 2 x 3 feet with hinges for opening. We need volunteer(s) to construct this box. If you can help, please RSVP to me.

President Rpt: Our club participated in field day June 21-22. We assisted with site preparation and Bert generously filled in to send packet messages. There is a movement to reassign part of the 2m band to aeronautical use. The International Amateur Radio Assn is mounting an objection. Please stay alert for anything you can do to prevent this takeover of the 145-146 MHz portion of the Ham band.

Upcoming Events:

  • Saturday July 20-EOC WORKPARTY at the school to check out our new systems. 9a-3pm approx. Please attend to familiarize yourself with our new facilities.

  • Tues Aug 6. 6-7pm.. Mountain Residents Night Out. Redwood Estates Pavillion. We need volunteers to man the booth for enjoyable interaction with the public. Please RSVP back to me [Penny]. There will be a bbq rib dinner from Nono's ($6).

  • Thus Aug 8, 7pm. EC/AEC Council Mtg at Santa Clara Co EOC

  • Sat Aug 10, 8:30-12noon RDF Search and Locate Mini Drill Cuesta Park, Mountain View.

Adjourned 1943 hrs
