2008-Oct-06 minutes

October 6, 2008 minutes

LPARC Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club


President: David N2RDT Vice President: Vic AE6ID Treasurer: George AE6KE

Secretary: Marc W6ZZZ

LPARC Minutes 2008-10-06

--- President David N2RDT called the meeting to order in the Burrell Fire

Station at 7:40 PM

--- Attendees: Vic AE6ID, Alex K8ARK, Louie KI6OSL, Kay KI6POL, Kathi KI6POY,

Davis N2RDT, and Marc W6ZZZ

--- Guests: Harold H.

Treasurer’s Report

--- No report

LPARC Business

--- Nominations were made for the November 3rd LPARC elections by Vic AE6ID

(please attend the meeting and vote)

President: David N2RDT; Vice-President: Kathi KI6POY; Secretary: Marc

W6ZZZ; Treasurer: George AE6KE

--- The next meeting of LPARC is Monday, November 3rd

ARES Business

--- No report

AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report

--- We had some hands-on instruction on how to link the AB6VS and AE6KE

repeaters for the net and some practice but the AB6VS repeater remote bases had

equipment problems, Austin AB6VU is investigating the problems

Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM

--- 10/07 Vic AE6ID --- 10/21 Alex K8ARK

--- 10/14 Kathi KI6POY --- 10/28 Alex K8ARK

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.


- Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary

- Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club ( http://www.lparc.org/ )

- Serving the Los Gatos Mountains community with emphasis on emergency

preparedness and response

LPARC home page