2009-May-04 minutes
May 4, 2009 minutes
LPARC - Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club
May 4, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Location: Burrell Fire Station, Highland Road
In attendance: Charlie AB6VS, Kay KI6POL, Anne KI6OGJ, Jennifer N2RDU, David N2RDT, Leon KD6FAQ, George AE6KE, Kathi KI6POY, Dave Garcia, Hannah.
President David N2RDT called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.
Approval of previous meeting's minutes:
There was a question if the April meeting minutes had been distributed. N2RDT read aloud the meeting minutes for the April Meeting.
Jennifer N2RDU was confirmed as secretary for LPARC for the remainder of term.
Meeting Minutes for April 2009 - Approved.
Treasurer's Report
Income: $30.00 dues
Expenses: $33.40 phone bill
Balance: $1154.87
Repeater Replacement Committee:
Discussion of need and cost for DVR-Voicemail, Voice Announcements Option for the Repeater Controller.
N2RDT asked if additional receipts have been seen from Austin as of yet. AE6KE replied, "not yet."
Equipment Report:
Charlie AB6VS explained there was nothing really to report. Equipment is in limbo. Austin and George have tested the equipment and the weather station has been integrated. A date needs to be decided on to complete this work. Austin is needed to finish this work.
George showed possible plans for the use of pvc joints to for mounting the wind doohickey to make sure it does not hit the tower.
David and George will be doing antenna work on Sunday May 17, 2009 beginning at 9:30AM at the AB6VS repeater site.
* David and George will take a look at Charlie's radio at that time too.
* All are welcome to come help with this work.
Discussion took place about mounting hardware needs. George reported that Austin wants to maintain the current antenna. David will check with Austin.
George will check machine at Pete's house. The batteries may need servicing.
Net Control Schedule for Tuesday at 7:15PM
5/5 Jennifer N2RDU
5/12 Kathi KI6POY
5/19 George AE6KE
5/26 Charlie AB6VS or possible Kathi KI6POY
Monthly Focus
Field Day is coming up! Field Day is the last weekend in June. A discussion took place about Field Day, along with the what, why and where of places to participate. WVARA will be having their annual field day at Mora Hill. More information can be found in most recent version of The Heterodyne found at http://www.wvara.org .
Upcoming Events and Club Business
Special Event Station for the 20th anniversary for the Loma Prieta Earthquake will be held Saturday October 17, 2009.
Loma Prieta Fireman's BBQ is June 7, 2009
A request was made for another HAM Radio class. The idea of presenting a "cram" course was discussed.
Marc Ziegler's Memorial Service is on May 16, 2009 at 1 PM at the Loma Prieta Gazebo.
Leon questioned about Trudy. George states she is a bit bored, but doing well.
Hannah presented her science project - Morse Code Simulator.
George wanted to know if there was interest in learning more about operating the community center radio.
George set up community center radio and presented the operations cheat sheet.
Meeting was closed at 8:27.