2008-Jan-07 minutes
January 7, 2008 minutes
January 7, 2008 minutes
--- Leon Milburn called the meeting to order at 7:50 PM in the CDF Burrell Fire Station
--- Attendees: George AE6KE, Leon KD6FAQ, Bill KG6VMX and Marc W6ZZZ
--- Guests: a CERT person interested in information about our LPARC “ham radio training” class (Denise)
Minutes From Last Month
--- Minutes from the December meeting were approved
--- Minutes for past months are available in MS Word format at HYPERLINK "http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes" http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes
Treasurer’s Report
--- Dues income of $170, monthly expense of $25.84 for the phone in the repeater shack (used for remote control and phone patches), Dec 31 balance of $768.04
--- The repeater replacement fund has received donations of $675, that plus our emergency preparedness grant from the LPCF of $700 should be close to replace our soon to be failing AB6VS repeater controller
LPARC Business
--- Our Ham radio class for CERT members and other interested community members will be led by Jennifer N2RDU and will meet on January 24 through February 21 (location TBD)
--- We had a Ham radio class article in the local Mountain Network News and our web page gives more details at HYPERLINK "http://www.lparc.org" http://www.lparc.org
ARES Business
--- We had message sending and receiving/transcribing training from George AE6KE at the meeting using the 5-word communications method
--- The ARES radio equipment and wall-mounted cabinet will be moved to the LP office (bolted to the wall in the closet), a work party for this will be organized in January
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- Nothing to report
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- The latest net script is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.lparc.org/lparcares%26clubnetscript" http://www.lparc.org/lparcares%26clubnetscript
--- 1/8 Marc W6ZZZ --- 1/15 Bill KG6VMX
--- 1/22 George AE6KE --- 1/29 need a volunteer!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary