2020-Dec-03 minutes

Meeting held via Webex telephone conference.

LPARC Meeting Minutes 12/3/2020

meetiing called to order 19:05


xKM6JUO Penny call in user 2


xKD6SEI Kathy call in user 4


xKM6MBA Bert call in user 3

xAC6E Mike

xKM6ZWR Jack

Motion to approve last weeks meeting minutes approved.

Net assignments:


12/08 Bert

12/15 Pam

12/22 Dan

12/29 Penny

01/05 Mike

Treasurer's Report:

Bill not present to report

Equipment Report:

Mike and Bert went up to the TYG site last Saturday

and setup the DC power distribution and lightning arrestor.

Dan will be working on the controller this weekend.

President's Report:



President: Penny

Vice President: Mike

Treasurer: Penny

Secretary: Dan

Board Member at Large: Bert

Voted as a whole group. Above nominations finalized.

John Yontz and his wife has rejoined the club.

Penny received $50 for the remaining donated items.

Penny has $110 to deposit.

Mike Gruhlkle KM6ACY joined the club. Dan to add him to the club database.

Jeff Hanselman, of the Loma Prieta foundation is granting the $1200 we requested as a donation.

This should be finalized soon. Funding will be based on receipts we send him

up to this amount.

Penny is encouraging members to join A.R.R.L. and Loma Pioneer for the coming year.

LPARC missed hosting the SVECS last week due to a mis-communication. We need to keep

tighter track of this responsibility every eleven weeks.

Penny has CERT manuals if members are interested in taking the Santa Cruz CERT class.

Mike will be picking up one of the manuals from Penny. Others interested need to sign up at


Upcoming activities:

Dec 12th 2020 at 9:00 AM has the End of year Summary Meeting for Santa Clara.

Tues 15th 8:30 PM message passing class. Sign up at the Santa Clara ARES web site.

On Jan 11, 7:00 PM a General Class Amateur Radio class using the Jordan West book.

Jan 6th is the deadline for signup. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4da9a822a4f4ce9-general.

Jan Santa Cruz exercise coming up. SAFE exercise. Bert will lookup the date.

LPARC Dec 12th 12:00PM - 4:00PM EOC at Loma Prieta. Members will be going to different

addresses to report what they find and report back to net control. You will call into

net control and then transfer to a tactical net to report. Then you will report back

to the resource net. An email will be sent out Monday with the ICS205, blank ICS214,

and a short write-up of the scenario description and COVID-19 requirements.

Mike, Pam, Kathy, Dan, Bert, Penny, expressed interest in the Dec 12th event.

No EC report.

New business:

Make sure to keep ALL of the receipts for the KCTYG expenses so we can be reimbursed.

Penny to give year end report at next club meeting.

Penny will collect club dues from her house by appointment.

$40 individual / $50 per family / $25 per student

Old Business:

We need to discuss how we are going to advertise a 911 reporting station if we

set up an emergency reporting station during PGE Power Shutoff events.

We need to get direction from Santa Cruz County. Bert will contact the County.

The proposed location from the County is across from the Loma Prieta School.

Meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM.