2019-June-06 minutes
Meeting called to order: 19:00
Next meeting is July 11
Last month’s minutes approved
Net (on KC6TYG, 440.650 MHz this month):
Dan (11)
Bert (18)
Pam (25)
Penny (2)
Bert (9)
Net control, please announce, on AE6KE, that the net is moved to KC6TYG, just prior to the net time.
Goal is to change to another repeater in the fall.
Treasure’s report:
Penny to receive receipt for donation from Fire Department.
Equipment Report:
2m repeater passed de-sense test.
Discuss concerns around the 2m repeater tower. Concern is that the tower is not well constructed or installed.
Return to the tower to trim trees and review condition of tower July 7th.
Consider purchasing a lamp for the repeater site.
No lighting arrester present. Examine at same time as tree trimming.
Dan will bring a pole saw
Bert will bring clippers and some bags
Field Day:
Tomorrow night at 7:30 at Felton Fire Station on Zyante road there is a club meeting. Field day will be discussed there. I you want to attend, go to: SLVARC.org and sign up.
Friday the 21st is setup at Cal Fire Ben Lomand Training facility. At 13575 Empire Grade.
The 22nd is operating day.
The 23rd is break down day. Break down starts later in the day.
President’s Report:
Present simplex maps showing the simplex communication links the members completed prior to the nets.
Upcoming events:
Three training events from the Santa Clara
June 12th at 6PM in Sunnyvale, Intro to Emergency Communications
July 10th Fundamentals of Emergency Communications in Sunnyvale
July 13th in Sunnyvale, Field Ops type III
EC001, fundamentals of emergency communications. A 40 hour course. Necessary for full ARES participation.
New business:
Cap is routinely NCS 7:30PM Fridays for Monterey Bay Amateur Radio Association (n6ij.org) on the Loma Prieta (Loma Pioneer, lprc.net) WR6ABD VHF repeater 146.640-PL162.2. There has been a “tech net” 7PM Friday nights on WIN system (winsystem.org) WR6ABD UHF repeater 442.900+PL162,2.
Loma Pioneer is WR6ABD
New Outpost software. Municipal Status form is a new form that breaks out various types of infrastructure (roads, power, bridges, etc). Form also provides grades of concern. The good news, there is a button that says, “Submit to Outpost” this puts the form in the Outpost outbox. The bad news, the button doesn’t work. It is believed this has been corrected.
The May 18th quarterly drill went well. Lots learned concerning messages and messaging.
Next quarterly drill is August 17th. July 20th go to EOC and test out new systems prior to the quarterly drill. Focus on packet. Bring some chairs and a fan. Possibly a folding table as well. Planned time is 9AM to 3PM. Pack a lunch.
Meeting adjourned: 20:23