2017-Feb-02 minutes

Feb 02, 2017 LPARC Minutes


Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, President

John Yontz, KA6HCG, Vice President

Ron Morin, KK6YZU, Secretary

Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer

David Katinsky, N2RDT, Floating Board Member Penny Allen, Member

Dan Pugh, KM6GNG, Guest

John Pugh, Guest


Bert called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

Meeting Minutes

Jan. 05 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved

Treasurer’s Report

 Bill reported that the club current balance is $1,135.23


07 Feb17 Dave

14 Feb17 Bert 21 Feb17 John 28 Feb17 Bill


 AE6KE repeater is continuing to work fine.

 AB6VS repeater is not back yet. It needed to be sent back to the factory,

no ETA for its return.

 KG6TYG repeater was not worked when Bert checked on it.

 Bert purchased a replacement cable for the TNC and computer and was


ARES EC Report

 A schedule was distributed for Santa Clara County ARES/RACES training for 2017 – everyone is encouraged to attend these courses

 Notes from the Santa Clara County ARES meeting that Bert and Gary attended are attached as a separate file to the e-mail.

President’s Report

 As a reminder Bert stated he wants to accomplish 3 things this year 1) Club become better prepared to respond for a disaster

a. How do we call up resources, obtain resources – the process b. Getting members familiar with the equipment

c. Obtainheadphonesandprinterattheschool

d. Getting smart with templates in RMS Express

e. Message Logging

2) Put together a plan on how to increase the number of members in our


a. Increase our budget

b. Conduct HAM Licensing class

o Bert is currently conducting a class for Technician with 3 students

c. Haveguestspeakersatourmeetings

3) List of who are the active members in the club

 Proposed projects for the club:

1) Members to take the trainings offered by Santa Clara ARES

o Schedule of 2017 courses was distributed 2) Participate in local drills

o Feb. 18th will set up the EOC and communicate with the personnel conducting the drill in Santa Clara County

3) Fix George’s vertical antennae

4) Put together a HF station (create a committee to explore) 5) Have a Field Day Station


Bert conducted training on the basic types of NETS

o Directed / Open, Resource and Tactical

o Bert was the Resource Net and attendees practices calling into

the NET, being given assignments and communicating progress

with the assignments

o This was a refresher for some and new for others, all had a good


New Business

    •  On Feb. 18th – Santa Clara County will be conducting a drill, our club members are being requested to meet at the school at 10:00am to set-up the EOC and communicate with the personnel in their drill

    •  Dan and John Pugh attended as guests because they had contacted Bert with the interest of conducting a Technician class for the Emergency Preparedness Club at Los Gatos HS

o The details are being worked out

Old Business

o Issue a new phone tree – Gary volunteered – (in process)

o Editing and updating the ARES Handbook – Gary volunteered –

(in process)

o List of who are the active members in the club

o Action: Bill will put the list together – Gary will provide the ARES information.

o Name/Call sign/phone numbers – update club roster o Action: Google Doc’s – post the member roster – Dave


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.