2019-Jan-03 mnutes
Meeting called to order: 7:08
08 : Pam
15 : Dan
22 : Penny
29 : Pam
Feb 5 : Bert
Note: Santa Cruz net will be on the third of February
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasure absent
It looks like everybody has paid their dues. A count of members will be welcome.
Bert will be teaching ham class at the Loma Prieta school. Jan 16. This is likely to generate revenue for the club.
Equipment Report:
Just use the 2m repeater during weekly call ins. There is still an issue when the repeaters are linked.
Vince gave a report on TYG. Need to discuss coordination and reimbursement with the repeater owner, Alex to setup a meeting.. [Update: Reimbursement for repeater supplies to come from fire department (if it comes at all).] Battery on this repeater boiled dry. New battery purchased to replace. Vince would like to anchor repeater and batteries to ensure they do not become mobile during an earthquake. Bert to ask permission of site owner.
Vince to follow up with NARCC on the steps to coordinate AB6VU (probably coordinated under AB6VS) and determine how to maintain the coordination of AE6KE. This may be as simple as determining who is doing coordination now and determining if he or she will continue.
President’s report:
Suggest that all members visit the new LPRAC website. Freshly updated. Looks great!
New links, including links to other clubs.
Should LPARC join Santa Cruz ARES? We should join. There is an application form on the Santa Cruz county ARES webpage (use google.com).
Should LPARC members join the ARRL? Yes, highly recommended. Lots of good information.
Pam recommends; Loma Pioneer club, radio club. They operate some very interesting repeaters (linked, trunked?). LPRC.
President recommends that the membership participate in as many nets as possible. This improves your skills and lets you know what repeaters are in the area and how well they work with your equipment and location.
2019 club goals.
Become proficient at EoC operation.
All members to assemble go-bags
All members learn to use simplex and be able to contact other members of the club. A schedule to enable this is a good idea. Immediately before the net may be a good time for this.
Have our members discuss our personal areas of interest in life and how these might be enabled by ham radio.
Kill our equipment gremlins and harden our repeater sites to ensure they are likely to survive a disaster.
Note: 441.300 MHz, PL 100, is a good place to look to during an emergency. This repeater will be operated by the section coordinator. Santa Clara Valley Section. A set of five, linked, repeaters.
Arm chair exercise: Bert suggests a practice exercise where we might practice message passing. The members would be dispersed at various locations and be tasked with passing messages relative to the proposed emergency scenario. This might occur over a period of a couple of hours (compressed to include a days worth of actual activity).
Undertake a review of the education courses our members attended last year. Some of the learnings might be included in some of these arm chair exercises.
Upcoming events:
Santa Clara ARES: Feb 23 quarterly drill. (ECs, take note, Jan 18 EC AEC council meeting)
New business?
No new business.
Meeting adjourned: 8:18PM