
Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club Membership

Membership Information

The LPARC provides several membership options: Full ($40/year), Family ($50/year), and Student ($25/year).

Full Membership


1) Valid FCC Amateur Radio License.

2) Club's dues paid.


1) Hold a club office and/or be appointed a board seat.

2) Member of a special task team(s).

3) Voting privileges.

4) Access to the club's repeater(s) code(s).

5) Participate in any and all club's functions.

6) Possible assignment of club's equipment.

7) Operating club's equipment.

Family Membership


1) Valid FCC Amateur Radio License.

2) One member of the household has a full membership status. (There is no minimum age limit)

3) Club's dues paid.


1) Access to the club's repeater(s) code(s).

2) Participate in any and all club's functions.

3) One additional vote by family member who must be at least 18 years of age.

4) Operating club's equipment.

Associate Membership


1) An interest in Amateur Radio.

2) Club's dues paid.


1) Voting privileges.

2) Participate in any and all club's functions.

Dues provisions

1) Dues are payable by January 1 of each year.

2) Dues may be paid in advance anytime throughout the year.

3) New Membership dues are prorated quarterly.

4) Dues are payable to the club's treasurer.

5) Any member failing to pay his dues within 30 days forfeits his membership in the club.

6) There will be no refunding of dues.

Mailing address:

Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club

c/o Loma Prieta Community Foundation

23800 Summit Road

Los Gatos, CA 95033

LPARC home page