2019-Feb-07 minutes
Penny and Vince sworn in as disaster workers.
Meeting called to order at 1904 hours.
Corrected minutes approved and posted.
Feb 12: Bert
Mar 19: David
Feb 26: Pam
Mar 5: Penny
Radio tree trial for next week’s net:
About 10 minutes prior to net lets choose a frequency and check to see who we can contact via simplex.
At 7:05PM, Thursday Feb 12, lets try 146.835 MHz simplex to check for individual contacts. Note that this is the output of the 2m repeater.
Bert will function as net control to ask folks to call in on the output frequency. Then Bert will switch over to the normal repeater operation at 7:15PM. Bert to transmit tone on simplex.
Treasury notes
Tech class collected 160$
Another 45$ for recycling the old batteries at the KC6TYG repeater site.
Equipment Report:
KC6TYG is working well with a new battery and wiring. 100% uptime
AB6VU has been taken down for service (at Bert’s home). The battery cover was displaced and the battery box was flooded.
Loma Prieta school is moving from temporary to permanent buildings. The EOC will have to be moved.
Bert spoke with Tom, a representative of the school, about candidate location for a new EOC.
No obvious location was found, but several that may serve are available.
President’s report:
Signed up for Santa Cruz county website signup for Santa Cruz county ARES. Other members are encouraged to do the same.
Tuesday, Feb 19, there is a message passing practice at 8:30PM on Santa Clara county net.
Sea Otter Classic bicycle race takes place April 11 - 14th at Fort Ord. The bulk of the help needed is Saturday and Sunday. Lots of opportunities for support.
TI auditorium presentation: Santa Clara / San Jose U projects on IOT. Feb 13 at 6:30 - 8:30PM.
Loma Pioneers repeaters: 146.640, -offset Needs a PL tone 442.900 +offset
Meeting adjourned 2045