2007-Dec-03 minutes

December 3, 2007 minutes

LPARC Minutes 2007-12-03

--- President David, N2RDT, called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM in the CDF Burrell Fire Station

--- Attendees: Austin AB6VU, George AE6KE, Leon KD6FAQ, Cap KE6AFE, Bill KG6VMX and Marc W6ZZZ

Minutes From Last Month

--- Minutes from the November meeting were approved

--- Minutes for past months are available in MS Word format at http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes

Treasurer’s Report

--- Monthly expense of $25.34 for the phone in the repeater shack, balance is $623.38.

--- Dues should be paid in January, $25 single membership or $30 family membership for multiple hams

LPARC Business

--- Motion for a “white ballot” was seconded and approved to re-elect the current LPARC officers for 2008 (President David N2RDT, Vice President Vic AE6ID, Treasurer George AE6KE, Secretary Marc W6ZZZ)

--- A ham radio class for new CERT members and other interested community members will be led by Jennifer N2RDU and start up in late January, class will be 4 Thursday night sessions of 2 hours each for the exam, then 1 more class on radio selection and general operating procedures, more details in December

--- Our NARCC (learn at http://www.narcc.org/ ) repeater coordination fee has been paid, good through 2008

--- David N2RDT will see if we can save a couple $ by renewing our LPARC.ORG domain for multiple years

--- January 7, 2008 (first Monday): the Vice President Vic, AE6ID will run the next LPARC meeting

ARES Business

--- Jennifer, N2RDU, has volunteered to be the AEC (Assistant Emergency Coordinator) for ARES Training

--- We had message training from George AE6KE at the meeting using the Santa Clara County message form and the 5-word burst communications method (George will email the form to everyone)

--- The ARES radio equipment and wall-mounted cabinet will be moved to the LP office (bolted to the wall in the closet), a work party for this will be organized in January

--- Paul Horvat is the new acting OES Administrator for Santa Cruz County

AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report

--- The wind turbine has been repaired by the factory (free of charge), reinstalled and is charging the batteries

--- A repeater controller replacement fund has been established with a goal of $1300, so far we have a Loma Prieta Community Foundation (LPCF) donation of $700 and other donations of $275 so we still need $325.

--- There was discussion on how the repeater “phone patch” works and its sensitivity to certain radios

Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM

--- The latest net script is available at: http://www.lparc.org/lparcares%26clubnetscript

--- 12/4 Austin AB6VU --- 12/11 Bill KG6VMX

--- 12/18 George AE6KE --- 12/25 None scheduled --- 1/1/2008 None scheduled

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.


Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary


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