2017-Oct-05 minutes

Mtg CTO 1858 hrs.

Present were: Bert, John, Will (student), Dan, Spencer(guest), Dave,

Pam (KD6KDF student), Vince, Penny.

Pam(and family), and Vince joined the club.


10-10 Bert

10-17 Dan

10-24 John

10-31 Penny

NETS will use AE6KE until further notice.

No Treas report. The current licensing class has raised $160!

The club bought a second new battery for AB6VU. And Austin bought parts to repair the repeater.

A discussion of how to raise $ for the club explored new ideas. Club is looking for input. Dave suggested applying for a $500 grant from Loma Prieta Community Foundation via LPCF.org website. Bert to follow up.

Equipment: KC6TYG repeater has been going off intermittently. Bert et al have made three trips up to it to troubleshoot. Ongoing actions to troubleshoot DC/AC current issue of repeater's not coming back up after nightly reset.

AB6VU repeater has been transmitting only the carrier frequency and the battery has been running down. Austin is working on it; the problem may be in the controller rather than repeater.

AE6KE is working great.

Santa Clara Co NETS is using WB6EC repeater now. Please verify that if you want to participate tonight.

Old Business: Sept 14, our club participated in the Santa Clara Co. practice event in which it broadcasted from its main EOC, and conducted a resource net and command net. All cities in the county checked in for an excellent response in this exercise.

New Business: Gary Watson, our EC, has resigned for personal reasons. Bert is the assistant EC and is filling in. Next month, LPARC will have nominations for 2018 officers. Please consider who to nominate for all offices.

Sat. Oct 14, S. Clara Co. is holding a remote EOC exercise at Ed Levine County Park. 8a-2pm. LPARC will sign up as a team. All participants must sign in on SCCAres-Races.org under Loma Prieta.

Sat. Oct 21, S Cruz Co. is holding a "Wildland Fire" drill. Sign up on

S Cruz Co ARES website. 12pm-1pm Bert will be on AE6KE so that

S Cruz Co can contact Loma Prieta and San Lorenzo Valley. Club members may participate at our EOC at the school 11a-1:30 pm.

Pacificon Hamfest is Oct 20, 21, 22 in San Ramon. Sunday 6am is the ham radio swap. Radio manufacturers will be present. Seminars on wide range of topics. Tickets avail from Pacificon.org $25 online till the 8th. $30 at the door. Lunch avail there for approx $10. Take 680 to Crow Canyon Rd, left on Bishop to Mariott Hotel.

We enjoyed the story of Bert's trip to Wyoming to see the eclipse.