2009-Apr-06 minutes
April 6, 2009 minutes
Minutes LPARC April 6, 2009
Attendees: Kathi, Bill, George, Vic, Kay, (late) Ann
Minutes submitted by Kathi Larkin
I. Call to Order @ 7:35 pm
II. Moment of Silence in memory of Marc Ziegler
III. Previous Minutes (unavailable)
IV. Treasurer’s Report (George)
Dues Income of $105
Expenses of $16.80 (postage) and $33.40 (phone)
Balance at end of month $1158.27
V. Equipment Report (George and Vic)
3/28 Shack Cleanup included Vic, George, David, and Charlie
All are satisfied with the cleanup
George has a box of stuff to take to the flea market (or otherwise dispose of)
Packet stuff up at the radio room at the Loma School
Need to re-solder some wires
4/25 Repeater Parts Day at Charlie’s 10 am - AB6VS – non-functioning remote base
Austin is ready for 4/25 Repeater Parts Day
Also will install the weather station that day and do some antenna work
Note: 4/25 is a conflict for all who are also in Red Cross/MERC
4/25 is also Pat Tilllman Run in San Jose
VI. Net Control for April
We were on the air only once last month…we need more volunteers!
4/7 George
4/14 Kathi
4/21 David?
4/28 Vic?
VII. Ares Report (George)
George briefly ran a radio equipment survey of those in attendance
4/18 Quarterly Drill? George will let us know
VIII. Monthly Focus Item?
IX. New Business
3/21 Science Fair Report
David, Jennifer, George, and Kathi attended
Good turnout despite the rainy day
Jennifer made great posters on the physics of radio waves
David set up Morse Code gizmo that was fun and attracted some attention
Nominations for Secretary?
Jennifer Katinsky, no others offered
7/11 Skyland Run
Mark your calendars
X. Other business?
XI. Training
Don’t do what Kathi did!
Might be a good idea to lock your radio when at public events.
Prevents random buttons being pushed and embarrassing surprises next time you are on the air.
XII. Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 pm