2013-Jan-03 minutes

LPARC Minutes

January 3, 2013

Present: George Smith, President; Austin L. Vice President, Bill Rose, Treasurer; Kathi Larkin, Secretary, Bert Bailey

George Smith called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm

We waited a short while in case anyone first went to the LPCC room, since our conflicting announcements had indicated one that we were at LPCC, and the other that we were at Burrell Fire.

Approval of the December 3, 2012 minutes

These minutes came to us, as partial since Jennifer had not yet had time to complete this task.

We discussed that the minutes should be amended to reflect that David K. is the 5th board member, though not an officer.

With this amendment, Austin moves we approve, Bill R. seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose

$1077.34 is the current balance

Add $115 cash not yet deposited plus $50 dues collected tonight

$1242.34 is what the balance will be after those additions.

Austin moved, Bill seconded, we approved the report.


1/8 – George S. (will test KC6TYG as part of training)

1/15 – Austin

1/22 – Kathi (it turns out this IS the County Net night, so Bert swapped with Kathi)

1/29 – Bert (swapped with Kathi)

2/5 – David Katinsky?


AE6KE and AB6VS are working.

The whining noise is the alternator, it’s a good thing…means it is working.

KC6TYG is down? KL got tones in December.

Test at the next club net.

President’s Report – George Smith

ARRL Lessons learned from Sandy (in the email)

1. make relationships in advance

2. be careful how you count resources who may be affiliated with other responder organizations.

Scott Morse, DEC of Santa Clara County

Larry Carr Section Emergency Coordinator

Santa Clara adds stickers to DSW cards to renew DSW.

George will ask David K. if he contacted them about renewals.

Club Liability Insurance discussion

LPARC is not a 501c3, so Directors and Officers Insurance may not be a possibility.

The ARRL Liability Insurance is about $200 per year.

What does it cover?

KL will look into it:



George will ask Cap Pennell about co-training (hams with CERTs) and if we need to do anything special in order for CERT to be seen as a “served agency” with respect to ARES activations.


Austin will deliver some links to online training we can take a look at.

Motion to adjourn, seconded, adjourned at 8:15 pm